Lejárt a biztonsági időkorlát.
Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:
Továbbképzések, rendezvények részletes információi
doki.NET háttér-rendszert használó más társaságok legfrissebb hírei
• A MKT Fizioterápia Munkacsoport Nemzetközi Kitekintő program következő előadásának témája:Lung...>> Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága hírei
[ 2024.05.16. ]
• A Budai Egészségközpont vezetősége az idén tavasszal elindított jelentős volumenű kórházfejlesztéssel párhuzamosan szeretne tájékoztatást adni az egészségügyi...>> Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete hírei
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• Hogyan éltünk túl 123 évet?Bogsch ErikSzéchenyi-díjas vegyészmérnök, okleveles mérnök-közgazdászRichter...>> Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság hírei
[ 2024.05.15. ]
• Remember the Marketplace icons and their calls for action: I engage – I consolidate -I learn – I master.Let’s focus on the art of "mastering"!With...>> Magyar Ortopéd Társaság hírei
[ 2024.05.15. ]
• Dátum: 2024.06.06-08.Helyszín: Four Points by Sheraton, 6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 6.>> Magyar Gyermekaneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Társaság hírei
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Linkek, dokumentumok oldalon belüli megjelenítése
Külön ablakban történő megjelenítés (gyorsabb!)
Kongresszusok, rendezvények
Ezen az oldalon hazai és nemzetközi rendezvényekről szóló információkat helyezünk el, időrendi sorrendben.

Tipp: A kongresszusokhoz különböző linkek, dokumentumok tartoz(hat)nak, melyeket a "kapcsolódó dokumentumok/linkek" feliratra kattintva érhet el. A felirat mögött zárójelben megjelenő szám a kapcsolódó anyagok számát jelöli.

Hazai kongresszusok rendezvények
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ]
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[ 1531 ][ 1532 ][ 1533 ][ 1534 ][ 1535 ][ 1536 ][ 1537 ][ 1538 ][ 1539 ][ 1540 ]
[ 1541 ][ 1542 ][ 1543 ][ 1544 ][ 1545 ][ 1546 ][ 1547 ][ 1548 ][ 1549 ][ 1550 ]
[ 1551 ][ 1552 ][ 1553 ][ 1554 ][ 1555 ][ 1556 ][ 1557 ][ 1558 ][ 1559 ][ 1560 ]
[ 1561 ][ 1562 ][ 1563 ][ 1564 ][ 1565 ][ 1566 ][ 1567 ][ 1568 ][ 1569 ][ 1570 ]
[ 1571 ][ 1572 ] 
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat Szakdolgozói Munkacsoportja
Online válogatás a VI. Pécsi Kardiológiai Kongresszus előadásaiból (ingyenes, nem akkreditált)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.10.20.Rendezvény vége: 2021.11.15.
Munkahely neve: Convention Budapest Kft.
Tel: 061 299-0184, 299-0185, 299-0186
E-mail: convention@convention.hu
Helyszín: online
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://convention.hu/Rendezveny/Reszletek/PEKA21

Kedves Doktornő, kedves Doktor Úr!


Tudjuk, hogy a nagy leterheltség miatt Önök közül sokuknak nem volt lehetősége részt venni a kongresszuson, így – a téma fontossága miatt - egy kisebb, de nagyon értékes válogatást  ONLINE hozzáférhetővé teszünk (térítésmentesen) 2021. október 20-tól november 15-ig.

A rendezvény ONLINE verziója nem akkreditált, azonban maga a tananyag olyan sok érdekes előadást tartalmaz, hogy reményeink szerint így is sokan örülnek majd a lehetőségnek. Kérjük, regisztráljanak a honlapon és tekintsék meg azokat az előadásokat, melyeket a legjobban tudnak hasznosítani munkájukban, vagy melyek a legérdekesebbek az Önök számára!

(Azon kedves Vendégeinknek, akik részt vettek a pécsi kongresszuson nem szükséges újra regisztrálni, Ők automatikusan hozzáférnek az előadások megtekintéséhez, amennyiben jelentkezésükkor használták convention profiljukat.)

Amennyiben hasznosnak és érdekesnek találta összeállításunkat, kérjük jelezze ezt a lehetőséget Kollégáinak is!


Dr. med.habil Szabados Eszter 
a Szervező Bizottság elnöke  

Miklósi Ferenc
Convention Budapest Kft.

Magyar Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Endokrinológiai Társaság
Diczfalusy Course Webinar, 2021-22
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.10.18.Rendezvény vége: 2022.10.31.
Helyszín: Online,

Dear Colleagues,

The Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation announces a series of presentations (the Diczfalusy Course) by well acknowledged international speakers from all over the world and invites you to participate. 

In accordance with the Foundation’s mission (https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/about) the aim of the course is to promote reproductive health by establishing and supporting opportunities and forums for publication of scientific results and organizing scientific conferences. We aim to create opportunities for internationally acclaimed scientists and young researchers to build fruitful professional relationships and present their latest scientific achievements. The Foundation specifically wants to support scientific research with a special focus on young scientists.

The first meeting of the Diczfalusy Course will be held on October 18 (Endometriosis management) with two presentations in a Webinar format on Microsoft Teams platform. We offer the following scientific program during the forthcoming months in 2021-22:

Meeting #1:  18 October 2021, 17:00 – 18:00 CET
Endometriosis management
Moderator: Prof. emeritus György Bártfai, Hungary
Endometriosis management: importance of pharmacotherapy, experiences with DNG mono therapy
Speaker: Prof. Michele Vignali, (Italy)  
Treatment of endometriosis: Insights into the daily practice by patient cases (surgical and conservative approach)
Speaker: Prof. Ludwig Kiesel. (Germany)

Meeting #2:  24 November 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
Use of ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Diagnosis of Adnexal masses identified on transvaginal ultrasound
Speaker: Alfred Z. Abuhamad, (USA)
Ultrasound Identification of Fetal anomalies before 10 weeks gestation
Speaker: Steven Warsof, (USA)

Meeting #3: 2nd half of January 2022
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Use of Ultrasound in urogynecology
Speaker Peter Takacs, (USA)
Urodynamics and therapeutic interventions for incontinence
Speaker: Kindra Larson, (USA)

Meeting #4: 2nd half of February 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Novi Sad
Moderator: Prof. Tihomir Vejnović (Serbia)
Etiology, Diagnosis and Prevention of Placenta Accreta Spectrum.

Speaker: Tihomir Vejnović, Bojan Karadeglija (Serbia)
Our impact on long-term complications of caesarean section.
Speaker: Aleksandra Vejnović, Isidora Dickov (Serbia)

Meeting #5: 2nd half of March 2022  
Uterine Fibroids
Moderator: to be announced later
Uterine fibroids management in the practice including the oral GnRH antagonist combination therapy.
Speaker: prof. dr. Miklós Koppán, (Hungary) 45 minutes lecture

Meeting # 6:  2nd half of April
Moderator: Peter Kovács (Hungary)
The current status of time-lapse embryo monitoring.
Speaker: Csaba Pribenszky (Sweden)
Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy - should we offer it and should we offer it to all?Speaker: Dr. Barış Ata  (Turkey)  

Meeting # 7: 2nd half of May 2022
Hormonal Contraception for Women: New methods
Moderator: to be announced later 
Oral progestin only methods advantages and disadvantages
Speaker: Thomas Kimble (USA)   
Combined female hormonal contraception. Efficacy and Safety.
Speaker: David F. Archer,   

Meeting #8: 1st half of June 2022
Prenatal diagnosis and treatment
Moderator: to be announced later
Prenatal diagnosis of Foetal abdominal malformations
Speaker: Dieter Bettelheim (Austria)
Intrauterine therapy
Speaker: to be announced later   

Meeting #9: 2nd half of September 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Szeged
Moderator: Prof. Gábor Németh (Hungary)
Presentations will be announced later  

Meeting #10: 1st half of October 2022  
Vulvovaginal infections
Moderator: to be announced later
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis - burden of disease and treatment opportunity
Speaker: to be announced later
Chicken or the egg? Vaginal microbiome and HPV infection.  
Speaker: to be announced later

You can register and get further details of the speakers and the presentations here https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/courses.
Please, complete your registration not later than two days before the actual event.

Our ability to provide wide access to such high-level scientific content would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer speakers, Board members and generous support from participants as you. Therefore, we request your financial assistance of a registration fee of €15 per meeting so that we can continue our work towards the goals of the Foundation. You can also register for all 10 Meetings in the forthcoming year at once for €100.

We keep the program current by updating it as soon and as frequently as possible.

We are looking forward to having you online on each event of the Diczfalusy Course!

Sincerely yours,

The Board of the Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

Magyar Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Endokrinológiai Társaság
Diczfalusy Course Webinar, 2021-22
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.10.18.Rendezvény vége: 2022.10.31.
Helyszín: Online,

Dear Colleagues,

The Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation announces a series of presentations (the Diczfalusy Course) by well acknowledged international speakers from all over the world and invites you to participate. 

In accordance with the Foundation’s mission (https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/about) the aim of the course is to promote reproductive health by establishing and supporting opportunities and forums for publication of scientific results and organizing scientific conferences. We aim to create opportunities for internationally acclaimed scientists and young researchers to build fruitful professional relationships and present their latest scientific achievements. The Foundation specifically wants to support scientific research with a special focus on young scientists.

The first meeting of the Diczfalusy Course will be held on October 18 (Endometriosis management) with two presentations in a Webinar format on Microsoft Teams platform. We offer the following scientific program during the forthcoming months in 2021-22:

Meeting #1:  18 October 2021, 17:00 – 18:00 CET
Endometriosis management
Moderator: Prof. emeritus György Bártfai, Hungary
Endometriosis management: importance of pharmacotherapy, experiences with DNG mono therapy
Speaker: Prof. Michele Vignali, (Italy)  
Treatment of endometriosis: Insights into the daily practice by patient cases (surgical and conservative approach)
Speaker: Prof. Ludwig Kiesel. (Germany)

Meeting #2:  24 November 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
Use of ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Diagnosis of Adnexal masses identified on transvaginal ultrasound
Speaker: Alfred Z. Abuhamad, (USA)
Ultrasound Identification of Fetal anomalies before 10 weeks gestation
Speaker: Steven Warsof, (USA)

Meeting #3: 2nd half of January 2022
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Use of Ultrasound in urogynecology
Speaker Peter Takacs, (USA)
Urodynamics and therapeutic interventions for incontinence
Speaker: Kindra Larson, (USA)

Meeting #4: 2nd half of February 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Novi Sad
Moderator: Prof. Tihomir Vejnović (Serbia)
Etiology, Diagnosis and Prevention of Placenta Accreta Spectrum.

Speaker: Tihomir Vejnović, Bojan Karadeglija (Serbia)
Our impact on long-term complications of caesarean section.
Speaker: Aleksandra Vejnović, Isidora Dickov (Serbia)

Meeting #5: 2nd half of March 2022  
Uterine Fibroids
Moderator: to be announced later
Uterine fibroids management in the practice including the oral GnRH antagonist combination therapy.
Speaker: prof. dr. Miklós Koppán, (Hungary) 45 minutes lecture

Meeting # 6:  2nd half of April
Moderator: Peter Kovács (Hungary)
The current status of time-lapse embryo monitoring.
Speaker: Csaba Pribenszky (Sweden)
Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy - should we offer it and should we offer it to all?Speaker: Dr. Barış Ata  (Turkey)  

Meeting # 7: 2nd half of May 2022
Hormonal Contraception for Women: New methods
Moderator: to be announced later 
Oral progestin only methods advantages and disadvantages
Speaker: Thomas Kimble (USA)   
Combined female hormonal contraception. Efficacy and Safety.
Speaker: David F. Archer,   

Meeting #8: 1st half of June 2022
Prenatal diagnosis and treatment
Moderator: to be announced later
Prenatal diagnosis of Foetal abdominal malformations
Speaker: Dieter Bettelheim (Austria)
Intrauterine therapy
Speaker: to be announced later   

Meeting #9: 2nd half of September 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Szeged
Moderator: Prof. Gábor Németh (Hungary)
Presentations will be announced later  

Meeting #10: 1st half of October 2022  
Vulvovaginal infections
Moderator: to be announced later
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis - burden of disease and treatment opportunity
Speaker: to be announced later
Chicken or the egg? Vaginal microbiome and HPV infection.  
Speaker: to be announced later

You can register and get further details of the speakers and the presentations here https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/courses.
Please, complete your registration not later than two days before the actual event.

Our ability to provide wide access to such high-level scientific content would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer speakers, Board members and generous support from participants as you. Therefore, we request your financial assistance of a registration fee of €15 per meeting so that we can continue our work towards the goals of the Foundation. You can also register for all 10 Meetings in the forthcoming year at once for €100.

We keep the program current by updating it as soon and as frequently as possible.

We are looking forward to having you online on each event of the Diczfalusy Course!

Sincerely yours,

The Board of the Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

Magyar Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Endokrinológiai Társaság
Diczfalusy Course Webinar, 2021-22
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.10.18.Rendezvény vége: 2022.10.31.
Helyszín: Online,

Dear Colleagues,

The Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation announces a series of presentations (the Diczfalusy Course) by well acknowledged international speakers from all over the world and invites you to participate. 

In accordance with the Foundation’s mission (https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/about) the aim of the course is to promote reproductive health by establishing and supporting opportunities and forums for publication of scientific results and organizing scientific conferences. We aim to create opportunities for internationally acclaimed scientists and young researchers to build fruitful professional relationships and present their latest scientific achievements. The Foundation specifically wants to support scientific research with a special focus on young scientists.

The first meeting of the Diczfalusy Course will be held on October 18 (Endometriosis management) with two presentations in a Webinar format on Microsoft Teams platform. We offer the following scientific program during the forthcoming months in 2021-22:

Meeting #1:  18 October 2021, 17:00 – 18:00 CET
Endometriosis management
Moderator: Prof. emeritus György Bártfai, Hungary
Endometriosis management: importance of pharmacotherapy, experiences with DNG mono therapy
Speaker: Prof. Michele Vignali, (Italy)  
Treatment of endometriosis: Insights into the daily practice by patient cases (surgical and conservative approach)
Speaker: Prof. Ludwig Kiesel. (Germany)

Meeting #2:  24 November 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
Use of ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Diagnosis of Adnexal masses identified on transvaginal ultrasound
Speaker: Alfred Z. Abuhamad, (USA)
Ultrasound Identification of Fetal anomalies before 10 weeks gestation
Speaker: Steven Warsof, (USA)

Meeting #3: 2nd half of January 2022
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Use of Ultrasound in urogynecology
Speaker Peter Takacs, (USA)
Urodynamics and therapeutic interventions for incontinence
Speaker: Kindra Larson, (USA)

Meeting #4: 2nd half of February 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Novi Sad
Moderator: Prof. Tihomir Vejnović (Serbia)
Etiology, Diagnosis and Prevention of Placenta Accreta Spectrum.

Speaker: Tihomir Vejnović, Bojan Karadeglija (Serbia)
Our impact on long-term complications of caesarean section.
Speaker: Aleksandra Vejnović, Isidora Dickov (Serbia)

Meeting #5: 2nd half of March 2022  
Uterine Fibroids
Moderator: to be announced later
Uterine fibroids management in the practice including the oral GnRH antagonist combination therapy.
Speaker: prof. dr. Miklós Koppán, (Hungary) 45 minutes lecture

Meeting # 6:  2nd half of April
Moderator: Peter Kovács (Hungary)
The current status of time-lapse embryo monitoring.
Speaker: Csaba Pribenszky (Sweden)
Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy - should we offer it and should we offer it to all?Speaker: Dr. Barış Ata  (Turkey)  

Meeting # 7: 2nd half of May 2022
Hormonal Contraception for Women: New methods
Moderator: to be announced later 
Oral progestin only methods advantages and disadvantages
Speaker: Thomas Kimble (USA)   
Combined female hormonal contraception. Efficacy and Safety.
Speaker: David F. Archer,   

Meeting #8: 1st half of June 2022
Prenatal diagnosis and treatment
Moderator: to be announced later
Prenatal diagnosis of Foetal abdominal malformations
Speaker: Dieter Bettelheim (Austria)
Intrauterine therapy
Speaker: to be announced later   

Meeting #9: 2nd half of September 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Szeged
Moderator: Prof. Gábor Németh (Hungary)
Presentations will be announced later  

Meeting #10: 1st half of October 2022  
Vulvovaginal infections
Moderator: to be announced later
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis - burden of disease and treatment opportunity
Speaker: to be announced later
Chicken or the egg? Vaginal microbiome and HPV infection.  
Speaker: to be announced later

You can register and get further details of the speakers and the presentations here https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/courses.
Please, complete your registration not later than two days before the actual event.

Our ability to provide wide access to such high-level scientific content would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer speakers, Board members and generous support from participants as you. Therefore, we request your financial assistance of a registration fee of €15 per meeting so that we can continue our work towards the goals of the Foundation. You can also register for all 10 Meetings in the forthcoming year at once for €100.

We keep the program current by updating it as soon and as frequently as possible.

We are looking forward to having you online on each event of the Diczfalusy Course!

Sincerely yours,

The Board of the Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

Magyar Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Endokrinológiai Társaság
Diczfalusy Course Webinar, 2021-22
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.10.18.Rendezvény vége: 2022.10.31.
Helyszín: Online,

Dear Colleagues,

The Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation announces a series of presentations (the Diczfalusy Course) by well acknowledged international speakers from all over the world and invites you to participate. 

In accordance with the Foundation’s mission (https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/about) the aim of the course is to promote reproductive health by establishing and supporting opportunities and forums for publication of scientific results and organizing scientific conferences. We aim to create opportunities for internationally acclaimed scientists and young researchers to build fruitful professional relationships and present their latest scientific achievements. The Foundation specifically wants to support scientific research with a special focus on young scientists.

The first meeting of the Diczfalusy Course will be held on October 18 (Endometriosis management) with two presentations in a Webinar format on Microsoft Teams platform. We offer the following scientific program during the forthcoming months in 2021-22:

Meeting #1:  18 October 2021, 17:00 – 18:00 CET
Endometriosis management
Moderator: Prof. emeritus György Bártfai, Hungary
Endometriosis management: importance of pharmacotherapy, experiences with DNG mono therapy
Speaker: Prof. Michele Vignali, (Italy)  
Treatment of endometriosis: Insights into the daily practice by patient cases (surgical and conservative approach)
Speaker: Prof. Ludwig Kiesel. (Germany)

Meeting #2:  24 November 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
Use of ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Diagnosis of Adnexal masses identified on transvaginal ultrasound
Speaker: Alfred Z. Abuhamad, (USA)
Ultrasound Identification of Fetal anomalies before 10 weeks gestation
Speaker: Steven Warsof, (USA)

Meeting #3: 2nd half of January 2022
Moderator: Prof. David Archer (USA)
Use of Ultrasound in urogynecology
Speaker Peter Takacs, (USA)
Urodynamics and therapeutic interventions for incontinence
Speaker: Kindra Larson, (USA)

Meeting #4: 2nd half of February 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Novi Sad
Moderator: Prof. Tihomir Vejnović (Serbia)
Etiology, Diagnosis and Prevention of Placenta Accreta Spectrum.

Speaker: Tihomir Vejnović, Bojan Karadeglija (Serbia)
Our impact on long-term complications of caesarean section.
Speaker: Aleksandra Vejnović, Isidora Dickov (Serbia)

Meeting #5: 2nd half of March 2022  
Uterine Fibroids
Moderator: to be announced later
Uterine fibroids management in the practice including the oral GnRH antagonist combination therapy.
Speaker: prof. dr. Miklós Koppán, (Hungary) 45 minutes lecture

Meeting # 6:  2nd half of April
Moderator: Peter Kovács (Hungary)
The current status of time-lapse embryo monitoring.
Speaker: Csaba Pribenszky (Sweden)
Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy - should we offer it and should we offer it to all?Speaker: Dr. Barış Ata  (Turkey)  

Meeting # 7: 2nd half of May 2022
Hormonal Contraception for Women: New methods
Moderator: to be announced later 
Oral progestin only methods advantages and disadvantages
Speaker: Thomas Kimble (USA)   
Combined female hormonal contraception. Efficacy and Safety.
Speaker: David F. Archer,   

Meeting #8: 1st half of June 2022
Prenatal diagnosis and treatment
Moderator: to be announced later
Prenatal diagnosis of Foetal abdominal malformations
Speaker: Dieter Bettelheim (Austria)
Intrauterine therapy
Speaker: to be announced later   

Meeting #9: 2nd half of September 2022  
Clinical and research work at the Dept. of OBGYN, University Szeged
Moderator: Prof. Gábor Németh (Hungary)
Presentations will be announced later  

Meeting #10: 1st half of October 2022  
Vulvovaginal infections
Moderator: to be announced later
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis - burden of disease and treatment opportunity
Speaker: to be announced later
Chicken or the egg? Vaginal microbiome and HPV infection.  
Speaker: to be announced later

You can register and get further details of the speakers and the presentations here https://diczfalusyfoundation.org/courses.
Please, complete your registration not later than two days before the actual event.

Our ability to provide wide access to such high-level scientific content would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer speakers, Board members and generous support from participants as you. Therefore, we request your financial assistance of a registration fee of €15 per meeting so that we can continue our work towards the goals of the Foundation. You can also register for all 10 Meetings in the forthcoming year at once for €100.

We keep the program current by updating it as soon and as frequently as possible.

We are looking forward to having you online on each event of the Diczfalusy Course!

Sincerely yours,

The Board of the Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

Külföldi kongresszusok rendezvények
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Magyar Hypertonia Társaság
Central European Congress on Obesity: From Nutrition to Metabolic Syndrome
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.09.25.Rendezvény vége: 2008.09.27.
Helyszín: Csehország, Karlovy Vary,
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.cecon2008.cz
A Közép-Európai Elhízástudományi Kongresszus 2008. 09. 25-27 között kerül megrendezésre a csehországi Karlovy Varyban.

Ha a Magyar Hypertonia Társaság tagságából bárki absztraktot ad be, részvételét a Magyar Elhízástudományi Társaság kifizeti!

Részvételi díj: 230 EUR (utazás autóbusszal, szállás).

Max. 10 fő részvételét vállaljuk.

Absztrakbeadási határidő: 2008. április 20.
Regisztrációs határidő: 2008. június 20.

CECON 2008 Congress Secretariat
Guarant International spol. s. r. o.
Opletalova 22
110 00 Praha 1
tel: +420 284 001 444
fax: +420 284 001 448
e-mail: cecon2008@guarant.cz

További részletes információk, előadás bejelentés, on-line regiszráció a rendezvény Web-oldalán: http://www.cecon2008.cz
Magyar Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Társaság
XXVII Annual ESRA (European Society of Regional Anaesthesia) Congress
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.09.24.Rendezvény vége: 2008.09.27.
Helyszín: Italy, Genoa,
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.kenes.com/esra/inv_letter.asp
As in the highly successful 2007 Valencia Congress, the focus of the scientific programme will be on state of the art presentations in our field as well as new insights into basic science, clinical research and therapeutic interventions. The scientific standard at the annual ESRA congress is recognised as one of the best in the world and as a result carries a high rating with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, who now assign credit hours to all ESRA congresses.
Magyar Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Társaság
XXVII Annual ESRA (European Society of Regional Anaesthesia) Congress
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.09.24.Rendezvény vége: 2008.09.27.
Helyszín: Italy, Genoa,
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.kenes.com/esra/inv_letter.asp
As in the highly successful 2007 Valencia Congress, the focus of the scientific programme will be on state of the art presentations in our field as well as new insights into basic science, clinical research and therapeutic interventions. The scientific standard at the annual ESRA congress is recognised as one of the best in the world and as a result carries a high rating with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, who now assign credit hours to all ESRA congresses.
Magyar Stroke Társaság
6th World Stroke Congress
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.09.24.Rendezvény vége: 2008.09.27.
Szervező: c/o Kenes International – Global Congress Organizers and Association Management Services
Címe: 1-3, Rue de Chantepoulet PO Box 1726 CH-1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 908 0488
Fax: +41 22 732 2850
E-mail: stroke2008@kenes.com
Helyszín: Austria, 1021 Vienna, Messeplatz 1, PF 277., Reed Messe Wien GmbH
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.kenes.com/stroke2008/
Stroke has become a major challenge for health policy and for medicine and is now the second most
common cause of death world-wide. A continuing rise of incidence rates in Asia and other regions of the world has made stroke a global problem that can only be tackled with a global strategy.
Scientific sessions will cover all aspects of stroke, including basic research, clinical applications, recovery and rehabilitation. We welcome all medical doctors and other professionals from all over the world to join this discussion and become part of a world-wide network of collaboration against stroke.
Homepage: www.kenes.com/stroke2008
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Magyar Stroke Társaság
6th World Stroke Congress
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.09.24.Rendezvény vége: 2008.09.27.
Szervező: c/o Kenes International – Global Congress Organizers and Association Management Services
Címe: 1-3, Rue de Chantepoulet PO Box 1726 CH-1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 908 0488
Fax: +41 22 732 2850
E-mail: stroke2008@kenes.com
Helyszín: Austria, 1021 Vienna, Messeplatz 1, PF 277., Reed Messe Wien GmbH
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.kenes.com/stroke2008/
Stroke has become a major challenge for health policy and for medicine and is now the second most
common cause of death world-wide. A continuing rise of incidence rates in Asia and other regions of the world has made stroke a global problem that can only be tackled with a global strategy.
Scientific sessions will cover all aspects of stroke, including basic research, clinical applications, recovery and rehabilitation. We welcome all medical doctors and other professionals from all over the world to join this discussion and become part of a world-wide network of collaboration against stroke.
Homepage: www.kenes.com/stroke2008
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
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