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MOT társasági hírek>>

A MOT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Masterclass in Arthroplasty Surgery Thessaloniki 8 (Friday 17th - Sunday 19th December 2021) Advances in Arthroplasty: What’s new in complex adult reconstruction & robotic technologies?
    [2021.12.13.] - MOT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear Members of EHS,

    As President Elect of EHS and President of the Masterclass in Arthroplasty Surgery Thessaloniki 8 (Friday 17th - Sunday 19th December 2021) Advances in Arthroplasty: What’s new in complex adult reconstruction & robotic technologies? I am happy to announce that our EHS-organised course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) for a maximum of 20 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

    Online registrations have now been reduced:
    • Specialists €150 instead of €220 Code: SPORTHOOLYMPICS
    • Residents €100 instead of €150 Code: REORTHOOLYMPICS
    • Physiotherapists €50 instead of €70 Code: PHORTHOOLYMPICS
    • (Nurses and undergraduates are free)

    I look forward to welcoming you all on Friday to join us virtually for the MAST 8 congress, where we will present the "Larry Dorr Award" to the winner of the Ortho Olympics. Expert faculty includes top teams from around the world who will present data & video surgeries and we will hear insightful discussions between the experts:
    15 speakers from the USA, 26 from Europe and 22 from Greece, as well as from Japan, Hong Kong and Argentina. Please go to the congress website to see the programme in full: http://www.mastcourse.com



MOT társasági hírek>>

MOT tagdíj összege szakorvosoknak: 12.000 Ft

Szakorvosjelölteknek 8.000 Ft.

65 éves kortól lehet kérni az emeritus tagságot a MOT Főtitkárához írt levélben. Az emeritus tagot tagdíjmentesség illeti meg a MOT alapszabálya szerint.

70. életév betöltése után tagdíjfizetési kötelezettség nincsen.

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