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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    SARS-CoV-2 molekuláris biológiai diagnosztikájával kapcsolatos IFCC kérdőív
    2021.09.22. - MLDT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Az IFCC globális felmérést végez a laboratóriumok szerepéről a SARS-CoV-2 molekuláris biológiai diagnosztikájában. A kérdőívet (10 perc) bármely laboratórium kitöltheti, aki ilyennel foglalkozik, 2021. október 7-ig.


    Dear Colleague,


    Laboratory medicine plays a crucial role in the current COVID-19 pandemic and in its management. Nucleic acid-based detection of the virus is the key molecular genetic parameter in the detection of infections and several million tests have now been performed worldwide.

    The Committee for molecular diagnostics (C-MD) of the IFCC would now like to ask all colleagues in clinical laboratories in each country what the current status quo in diagnostics is. We would like to understand how laboratories around the world are managing their processes during the COVID 19 outbreak.

    The survey will take 10 minutes of your time and you can choose between a Spanish or English version.


    English: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/S5B69SW


    Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/S5D283M


    We would be very pleased if you could participate in the survey until October 7th.


    Please complete the survey and distribute it to all clinical colleagues in your country who perform molecular genetic detection of SARS-CoV2.


    Parviz Ahmad-Nejad
    Chair C-MD

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