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MHT társasági hírek>>

A MHT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    International Society of Hypertension
    [2014.02.10.] - MHT Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: Általános
    Our aim to increase recruitment of ISH Research Fellows by 10%
    The New Investigator Committee (NIC) has set itself a goal to increase recruitment of ISH Research Fellows by 10% within the next year. May we request your help to accomplish this goal? As you may be aware, Research Fellowships are designed for graduate students and are entirely free. This is a special opportunity for any young research or clinical scientist undertaking a higher degree to enhance their CV. Tenure of this category is limited to three years.

    View the ISH website or contact secretariat@ish-world.com for further information.

    4th ISH New Investigator Programme
    In association with the forthcoming Hypertension Athens Meeting in June, we will be organising our 4th new investigator meeting programme. We invite all scientists and clinicians in training to attend to present and discuss, make new friends and build research networks that we hope will last a lifetime. Again, please can we ask for your assistance in promoting this initiative?

    Contact secretariat@ish-world.com for more information.



MHT társasági hírek>>