Join us for the 10th edition of the ESWI Influenza Conference in Valencia from 20 - 23 October 2025! The ESWI Conferences have grown into the largest European scientific conferences dedicated to influenza and other acute respiratory viruses diseases, including COVID-19 and RSV disease.
In keeping with ESWI’s excellent scientific reputation, the upcoming 10th edition of the conference will give the floor to the most renowned Influenza, RSV and COVID-19 scientists, public health officials and healthcare professionals.
The programme will cover topics from virology and diagnostic approaches to mathematical modelling to healthcare policy. Backed by ESWI’s Scientific Programme Committee, the event will bring a mix of parallel sessions, keynote lectures, satellite symposia, plenary meetings and poster sessions.
Organised in two science tracks and one track designed to translate the science into policy, ESWI conference will cover all relevant scientific disciplines and focus on the latest state-of-the-art developments in influenza, RSV and SARS-CoV-2.
Furthermore, the Conference will also provide a Science Policy Interface track, a tailor-made programme for public health officials and opinion leaders in healthcare, where policy experts will be invited to debate some of the most intriguing policy and societal issues, including pandemic preparedness and pandemic response measures.