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A MGYT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Invitation to join XpanDH's X-Net meeting for Health professionals on October 15
    [2024.09.23.] - MGYT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Dear European Healthcare Professionals and their Representative Associations,

    Healthcare Professionals are those most affected by improperly implemented electronic health records. Their input and that of the associations that represent them is vital to ensure health data exchange tools, particularly through the European Electronic Health Records Exchange Format (EEHRxF), meet the real-world needs of healthcare providers. 

    The XpanDH project has 9 other established networks (also known as “X-Nets”) throughout Europe to interact with stakeholders including industry, regulators, or patients. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, we are now creating the X-Net of healthcare professionals and their associations. 

    Therefore, we invite you to join the XpanDH Health Professionals X-Net, an initiative crucial to shaping the future of digital health in Europe. There, we will showcase our work and provide additional information about how you can influence it. We also invite you to forward this invitation across your network to reach the maximum number of individuals. 

    Our kick-off meeting will take place on 15 October, 14:00-15:00 CET

    To learn more about our X-Nets, please find attached a document outlining our recent activities


MGYT tagdíj összege 2022-től:

  • Nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát nem vállalnak: 3.000.- Ft/év
  • Nem nyugdíjasoknak és azon nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát vállalnak: 10.000.- Ft/év


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