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Felhasználó név:


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Magyar STI szakmai irányelv

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Megjelent a BVSZ 2024/2. száma

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Megjelent a BVSZ 2024/1. száma

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Állami kitüntetés: Prof. Dr. Bata-Csörgő Zsuzsanna

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Egyetemi kitüntetés: Dr. Medvecz Márta

Teljes cikk

Prof. Dr. Kemény Lajos - EADV Scientific Achievement Award kitüntetést kapott

További hírek


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  • júl. 30.

    GLODERM - “So you want to share your work? How to write an abstract and prepare for a conference” (ingyenes webinárium, 2024.07.30.)

    2024.07.30. , online

    A webinárium időpontja: 2024.07.30. 12:00-13:00

    The International Alliance of Global Health Dermatology (GLODERM) was established in 2018 by the ILDS' foundation, the International Foundation for Dermatology (IFD), to promote skin health worldwide through enhanced access to care, training, advocacy, capacity building, clinical care, and research.

     The GLODERM EDUCATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES provides dermatology content across a broad range of topics. The webinars are aimed at trainees from around the world, they are free to access and form a great resource library for any health care professional with an interest in dermatology.

     On behalf of the GLODERM Trainee Committee, we invite you to attend the July webinar entitled “SO YOU WANT TO SHARE YOUR WORK? HOW TO WRITE AN ABSTRACT AND PREPARE FOR A CONFERENCE”
      Dr Esther Freeman will present and will be followed by a live Q&A session.

     To find out more about GLODERM, please visit: [www.gloderm.org]www.gloderm.org

    Click here to register >>

  • aug. 01.

    AAD Innovation Academy (Seattle, Washington, USA, 2024.08.01-04.)

    2024.08.01. USA, Seattle, Washington

    2024 AAD Innovation Academy hero image

    Join us in Seattle next summer and see what AAD Innovation Academy is all about!

    Discover the latest research and innovations across a broad spectrum of clinical topics. Hear the latest updates on new drugs and devices, discover ways to build your brand, and gain tangible pearls you can implement into practice. Plus, spend time connecting with peers in the Experience Hub, where you'll find specially curated sessions, exhibits, and a Welcome Reception.

  • aug. 09.

    First Webinar in the 2024 IPC Global Webinar Series (online, 2024.08.09.)

    2024.08.09. , online

    Register Now for the First Webinar in the 2024 Global Webinar Series

    You’re invited to attend the first session of IPC’s 2024 four-part Global Webinar Series, The Full Cycle of Psoriasis Care in 2024: Value or Volume? The panel of experts will explore value-based health care, its successes in the Netherlands, and its current application in dermatology and psoriasis. Mark your calendar and register for this free webinar!

    Global Webinar 1: The Full Cycle of Psoriasis Care in 2024: Value or Volume?

    Registration >>
    August 19, 2024
    09:30 - 10:30 EDT |  15:30 - 16:30 CEST


    Welcome and Introduction
    Deepak Balak, MD, PhD, MSc, Netherlands
    Ricardo Romiti, MD, PhD, Brazil
    Value-Based Healthcare – A Primer
    Willem Jan Bos, MD, PhD, Netherlands
    Successes of Value-Based Healthcare – An Example from The Netherlands
    Paul van der Nat, MD, PhD, Netherlands
    What Exists in Dermatology and Psoriasis?
    Deepak Balak, MD, PhD, MSc, Netherlands
    Q & A and Closing Comments
    Deepak Balak, MD, PhD, MSc, Netherlands
    Ricardo Romiti, MD, PhD, Brazil