2023-2025 IFCC EMD C-POCT Call for Nominations |
Határidő:2023. január 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for two Member positions within the EMD C-POCT.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 20 January 2023.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards Silvia Cardinale
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Pályázati lehetőség az IFCC Professional Exchange Programme-ben való 1-3 hónap időtartamú részvételre, havi 1500 svájci frank támogatással és az utazási költségek fedezésével |
Határidő:2023. május 05. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli, President of the IFCC and Prof. Nader Rifai, Chair of the IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing the Spring PEP Call for Applications.
Applications should be sent to the IFCC Office (ifcc@ifcc.org ) by 5 May 2023.
Thank you for your attention.
Kindest regards
Silvia Cardinale
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható! |
2020-2022 IFCC EMD C-CB Call for Nominations |
Határidő:2019. december 31. |
Dear All, Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-CB.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 31 December 2019. Call for nominations
2020-2022 IFCC EMD C-DL Call for Nominations |
Határidő:2020. január 08. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for two Member positions within the EMD C-DL.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 8 January 2020.
Call for nominations
2022-2024 IFCC EMD C-KD Call for Nominations for one Member position |
Határidő:2022. január 11. |
The Education and Management Division (EMD) is a key resource for all members of IFCC. EMD facilitates the development of managerial skills, supports educational activities in laboratory medicine and offers critiques, advice and cutting-edge expertise on issues and problems related to laboratory management, teaching and education. EMD provides many of these educational, teaching and consultative services through its Committees.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee on Kidney Disease (C-KD) for the term of office 2022-2024.
The candidates should have extensive experience in the area of work of the Committee. For further information, please visit: https://www.ifcc.org/ifcc-education-division/emd-committees/task-force-on-chronic-kidney-disease/
Much of the work of all EMD committees is conducted by email, but C-KD meets in general once per year.
All National Society Members are requested to encourage appropriate members to apply for this position. Applicants who are not selected as members may be eligible for corresponding membership.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 10 January 2022.
The information must include: • Letter of support from the National Society/Company; • Curriculum Vitae of the nominee describing the professional and/or academic career (including a list of publications), particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for the selection.
We look forward to receiving your replies.
Yours sincerely Nader Rifai Chair, IFCC EMD
2023-2025 – C-KD Call for Nominations for two member positions |
Határidő:2023. január 31. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for two Member positions within the EMD C-KD.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 31 January 2023.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards
Silvia Cardinale
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
A Magyar Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Társaság (MLDT) pályázatot ír ki a Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottságban tagi tisztség betöltésére. |
Határidő:2024. április 15. |
Az MLDT Alapszabálya szerint a Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottság az MLDT egy állandó bizottsága, mely a küldött-közgyűlés által választott elnökből és pályázati úton a vezetőség által jóváhagyott két tagból, valamint egy póttagból áll.
A Bizottság elnöke 2024. január 1-től Dr. Bagoly Zsuzsa.
A Bizottság feladatai többek között a tagság és az MLDT-vel kapcsolatban álló hazai és nemzetközi szervezetek rendszeres, objektív tájékoztatása, az MLDT kommunikációjának fejlesztése, a társaság honlapjának karbantartása, frissítése a honlap üzemeltetőjén keresztül.
Pályázati feltétel: legalább 2 éve folyamatos MLDT tagság, előnyt jelent a kommunikáció, ill. a közösségi média területén szerzett tapasztalat.
A pályázatok beküldési határideje: 2024. április 15.
A pályázatokat – szakmai önéletrajzzal és rövid motivációs levéllel – a következő e-mail címekre kérjük beküldeni: bagoly@med.unideb.hu; zsbereczky@med.unideb.hu
Debrecen, 2024. március 5.
Dr. Ajzner Éva
Dr. Bagoly Zsuzsa
az MLDT elnöke
a Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottság elnöke
Dr. Bereczky Zsuzsanna
az MLDT titkára
A Magyar Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Társaság (MLDT) pályázatot ír ki aÉrdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottságban tagi tisztség betöltésére. |
Határidő:2024. április 15. |
Az MLDT Alapszabálya szerint az Érdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottság az MLDT egy állandó bizottsága, mely a küldött-közgyűlés által választott elnökből és pályázati úton a vezetőség által jóváhagyott két tagból, valamint egy póttagból áll.
A Bizottság elnöke 2024. január 1-től Prof. Dr. Fodor Bertalan.
A Bizottság feladatai többek között az etikai szabályzat karbantartása, az annak rendelkezései szerinti eljárás etikai ügyekben, az MLDT tagjai szakmai, erkölcsi és anyagi érdekeinek képviselete, érdekvédelmi tanácsadás és segítségnyújtás.
Pályázati feltétel: legalább 5 éve folyamatos MLDT tagság, előnyt jelent a bizottság működési körébe tartozó feladatok ellátásában bárhol megszerzett korábbi tapasztalat.
A pályázatok beküldési határideje: 2024. április 15.
A pályázatokat – szakmai önéletrajzzal és rövid motivációs levéllel – a következő e-mail címekre kérjük beküldeni:
bertalan.fodor@gmail.com; zsbereczky@med.unideb.hu
Debrecen-Miskolc, 2024. március 5.
Dr. Ajzner Éva
Prof. Dr. Fodor Bertalan
az MLDT elnöke
az Érdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottság elnöke
Dr. Bereczky Zsuzsanna
az MLDT titkára
Az EFLM tagot és fiatal (<35 év) tagot keres az EFLM Education & Training Committee 'Distance Education & e-learning' és 'Laboratory Medicine Credit Points' munkabizottságaiba |
Határidő:2022. április 20. |
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancies:
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) within April 20, 2022. Application form in the WG DE and LMPC >>
Application form in the WG H >> |
Az EFLM tagot keres a 'Register' munkacsoportba |
Határidő:2022. április 10. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position in the EFLM Working Group "Register".
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Evgenija Homsak, Chair of the EFLM Profession Committee with detailed information on the required position.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by April 10, 2022.
Call for nominations
Application form |
Az EFLM tagot keres 'Test Evaluation' munkabizottságba a 2022-2023 ciklusra |
Határidő:2022. március 10. |
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position in the EFLM Working Group "Test Evaluation".
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee with detailed information on the required position.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by March 10, 2022.
Call for nomination
Application form |
Az EFLM tagot, illetve fiatal (max. 35 éves) tagot keres a 2022-2023 ciklusra a következő három munkabizottságba: Congress & Postgraduate Education, Distance Education & e-learning, and |
Határidő:2022. február 28. |
Dear All, On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancies indicated below: Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee and Chairs of the respected WGs, Prof. Sedef Yenice, Prof. Eser Yildirim Sozmen and Prof. Darko Cerne. - WG “Congress & Postgraduate Education” (WG-CPE)
- WG “Distance Education & e-learning” (WG-DE)
- WG “Laboratory Medicine Credit Points” (WG-LMCP)
- 1 Full Member and 1 Young Scientist Full Member (≤ 35 years of age at the time of appointment)
- Click here
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by February 28, 2022. |
Az EFLM Távoktatás és e-learning munkacsoportba keres tagot 2022-23-ra |
Határidő:2021. október 15. |
Dear All, Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee, and Prof. Darko Cerne, Chair WG-DE, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position for the EFLM Working Group on “Distance Education & e-learning” for the 2-year term of office 2022-2023. Detailed information in the invitation letter. Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by October 15, 2021. |
Az EFLM Vezetőségébe 2022-23 ciklusra titkár, pénztáros és tag pozíciókra lehet jelentkezni, a következő ciklusra pedig leendő elnöknek. |
Határidő:2021. május 31. |
Call for nominations for the EFLM Executive Board 2022-2023 Kindly find attached a letter from the EFLM President, Prof. Ana-Maria Simundic, announcing the call for nominations for positions of the EFLM Executive Board for the term of office 2022-2023.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) within 31 May 2021 (h. 23.59 CET). Call for nomination Application form |
Az IFCC a laboratóriumi referencia-tartományokról globális adatbázis kialakítását tervezi, az ezzel foglalkozó munkacsoportba keres tagokat. |
Határidő:2021. július 15. |
Dear All, Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli - IFCC President, announcing the establishment of the new Task Force on Global Reference Interval Database (G-RID) and the related membership call for nominations. Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by July 15th, 2021.
IFCC Task Force on Global Reference Interval Database - call for nominations |
Az IFCC tagokat keres a Committee on Nomenclature, Properties and Units Bizottságba |
Határidő:2022. február 20. |
Dear Colleagues, The Committee on Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU), intends to replace one member who has completed his term of office. The terms of reference and current projects of the C-NPU are as follows: Terms of Reference
• To continuously provide advice in relation to the management, updating and publishing of NPU terminology. • To make recommendations on NPU for reporting clinical laboratory data that conform to or adapt current standards of authoritative organizations, and that will improve their utilization for health care. • To provide a connection with other organizations concerned with NPU, such as the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and, by extension, clinical laboratory sciences societies, such as the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), and the in vitro diagnostics industry, to ensure that problems encountered by health care professionals in the area of NPU are considered by those organizations. • To act as a consultant group on NPU in clinical chemistry and, by extension, in the rest of clinical laboratory sciences to international scientific panels, regional and national clinical laboratory sciences organizations, editors of scientific journals, manufacturers of clinical laboratory instrumentation and products, and to individual clinical laboratory professionals and other health care professionals. • To report and offer advice to the SD Chair and the SD Executive Committee on matters concerning NPU in all its aspects (all items above). Current Projects • Transfer of the NPU generic database to IFCC site: help and advice on training the future IFCC NPU database manager(s) in relation to the installation, updating and management of the database, and on its relationship relations with other national versions. • Mapping of the IFCC-IUPAC laboratory coding system to SNOMED CT. • Securing and structural updating of information in the NPU coding system and its environment. • Development of an international vocabulary for nominal examinations in scientific communication. Information on the current composition of the C-NPU and its activities are available on the IFCC Website, under Scientific Activities. More specific information can be obtained directly from Dr. Young Bae L. Hansen (ysvl@hotmail.com), C-NPU Chair.
Nominations, giving preference to young candidates (≤ 40 years of age) should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by using the enclosed application form, before February 20th, 2022. Following approval, the candidates will be appointed for a three-year term (commencing in March 2022). A second three-year term is allowed following satisfactory review at the end of the first term by the Scientific Division Executive Committee following consultation with the C-NPU Chairman. |
Az IFCC tagokat keres a Committee on Reference Intervals and Decision Limits Bizottságba |
Határidő:2022. február 20. |
Dear Colleagues, In 2005, the IFCC established a Committee on Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (CRIDL). Since then, the Committee has provided IFCC with high level expertise in the specific area of metrological traceability and standardization. The Committee, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Thomas Streichert, wishes to appoint two new members to substitute two officers who have completed the term of office. The time in office will begin next March. The specific terms of reference of this Committee are: • To review current concepts relating to the establishment of reference intervals and decision limits and to prepare state of the art position statements that respect the requirement of international directives, such as the European IVD Directive 98-79, and relevant Standards. • To determine a priority list of measurands (analytes) for which reference intervals have to be studied considering various factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, and for which the greatest improvements in medical decision making are anticipated. • To monitor and evaluate currently proposed reference intervals for selected measurands (analytes) in the light of the concept of traceability and of the quantification of the uncertainty. • To establish transferability protocols for reference intervals and decision limits which take into consideration inter-laboratory method variations and which have the potential to achieve better applicability in clincal practice.
• To collaborate with other organizations working in the same field. • To work in close collaboration with the other Committees and Working Groups of SD and other Divisions for the development and appropriate clinical utilization of reference intervals and decision limits. The selected candidates will have a demonstrable expertise in the area of epidemiology, biostatistics of popolation studies, and, above all, they should be able to provide a practical contribution by actively participating in multicenter reference intervals studies. Nomination of a young scientist is welcome. Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) using the attached Application Form, by February 20 th, 2022. The application must include: 1) Name, Institution address, telephone number and e-mail address of the nominee. 2) A full description of his/her professional career particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for his/her selection. 3) National Society’s letter of support. Following approval, the candidate will be appointed for a three-year term on the C-RIDL starting March 2022. A second three-year term is allowed following satisfactory review at the end of the first term by the SD Executive Committee following consultation with the CRIDL Chair.
Az IFCC tagokat keres a Diabéteszben alkalmazott biomarkerek használatának oktatásáról szóló bizottságba |
Határidő:2021. május 31. |
2021-2023 IFCC EMD C-EUBD Call for Nominations for two Member positions
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for two Member positions within the EMD C-EUBD.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 31 May 2021.
Call for application
Az IFCC tagokat keres 'Outcome Studies in Laboratory Medicine' munkacsoportba |
Határidő:2021. július 15. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli - IFCC President, announcing the establishment of the new Task Force on Outcome Studies in Laboratory Medicine (TF-OSLM) and the related membership call for nominations.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by July 15th, 2021.
New IFCC Task Force on Outcome Studies in Laboratory Medicine- call for nominations |
Az IFCC tagot keres 2022-2024 időszakra a következő bizottságba: Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine |
Határidő:2022. január 31. |
The ETD is a functional unit responsible for identifying and assessing emerging technologies and for translating the emerging and disruptive diagnostic and data analysis procedures from academic laboratories to clinical laboratories and from clinical laboratories to market. We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (C-ETPLM) for the term of office 2022-2024. Terms of reference: The candidate should be able to demonstrate a real commitment and dynamism in Committee commitment to developing procedures and processes to improve the diagnosis and management of patients from birth to adolescence. An ideal nominee is a candidate well acquainted with the specific area of Laboratory Medicine, with a broad knowledge of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and emerging Technologies. Fluent written and spoken English is important. One position within each IFCC Functional Unit should be filled by a Young Scientist. For the purposes of definition, a Young Scientist is a medical or science graduate working or training in laboratory medicine. He/she will be less than 40y of age at the time of the appointment. The activities of the new Committee are on average approximately one half day per week. Most of the work of the Division is done through exchanges of correspondence and emails throughout the year. The Committee usually holds one face-to-face meeting of a one-day duration per year, usually during a regional meeting sponsored by IFCC, or during the International Congress of the IFCC when it occurs. In addition, the IFCC C- ETPLM will organize an International Congress of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, as satellite congress of IFCC WorldLab Rome 2023. Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 31st January 2022. The information must include: 1. Name, affiliation, e-mail address of the nominee, nominee (along with a document of identity in case of YS). 2. A full Curriculum Vitae describing his/her professional and/or academic career (including a list of publications), particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for his/her selection. 3. A letter of acceptance of the nomination by the candidate. 4. A letter of support of the Candidate’s National Society or Corporate member. Appointment will be for one 3-year term of office, which is renewable for one additional term. |
Az IFCC tagot keres 2022-2024 időszakra a következő bizottságba: Committee on Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine |
Határidő:2022. február 28. |
The Education and Management Division (EMD) is a key resource for all members of IFCC. EMD facilitates the development of managerial skills, supports educational activities in laboratory medicine and offers critiques, advice and cutting-edge expertise on issues and problems related to laboratory management, teaching and education.
EMD provides many of these educational, teaching and consultative services through its Committees. We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee on Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM) for the term of office 2022- 2024.
The candidates should have extensive experience in the area of work of the Committee.
For further information, please visit: https://www.ifcc.org/ifcc-education-division/emd-committees/c-eblm/
Much of the work of all EMD committees is conducted by email, but C-EBLM meets periodically via Zoom and in person once per year. All National Society Members are requested to encourage appropriate members to apply for this position. Applicants who are not selected as members may be eligible for corresponding membership.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 28 February 2022.
The information must include:
• Letter of support from the National Society/Company;
• Curriculum Vitae of the nominee describing the professional and/or academic career (including a list of publications), particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for the selection.
We look forward to receiving your replies |
Az IFCC tagot keres a Committee on Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD) Bizottságba |
Határidő:2022. március 06. |
The Education and Management Division (EMD) is a key resource for all members of IFCC. EMD facilitates the development of managerial skills, supports educational activities in laboratory medicine and offers critiques, advice and cutting-edge expertise on issues and problems related to laboratory management, teaching and education. EMD provides many of these educational, teaching and consultative services through its Committees.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee on Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD) for the term of office 2022-2024. The candidates should have extensive experience in the area of work of the Committee.
For further information, please visit: https://www.ifcc.org/ifcc-education-division/emd-committees/c-eubd/
Much of the work of all EMD committees is conducted by email, but C-EUBD meets periodically via Zoom and in person once per year. All National Society Members are requested to encourage appropriate members to apply for this position. Applicants who are not selected as members may be eligible for corresponding membership. Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 6 March 2022.
Az IFCC tagot keres a Committee on Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD) Bizottságba |
Határidő:2022. március 06. |
The Education and Management Division (EMD) is a key resource for all members of IFCC. EMD facilitates the development of managerial skills, supports educational activities in laboratory medicine and offers critiques, advice and cutting-edge expertise on issues and problems related to laboratory management, teaching and education. EMD provides many of these educational, teaching and consultative services through its Committees.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee on Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD) for the term of office 2022-2024. The candidates should have extensive experience in the area of work of the Committee.
For further information, please visit: https://www.ifcc.org/ifcc-education-division/emd-committees/c-eubd/
Much of the work of all EMD committees is conducted by email, but C-EUBD meets periodically via Zoom and in person once per year. All National Society Members are requested to encourage appropriate members to apply for this position. Applicants who are not selected as members may be eligible for corresponding membership. Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 6 March 2022.
Az IFCC tagot keres a Committee on Molecular Diagnostiscs (C-MD) Bizottságába |
Határidő:2022. február 20. |
Dear Colleagues, Within the Committee on Molecular Diagnostics (C-MD), under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Parviz Ahmad-Nejad, one member position will be vacant for the term in office starting March 2021. C-MD is composed of 5 full members including the Chair nominated by the IFCC Member Societies. With this letter we are asking for nomination for this position. Terms of Reference • To foster dynamic exchanges between IFCC and molecular diagnostic laboratories and industry
• To produce guidelines on clinical validation of tests, conduct and reporting of molecular diagnostic tests • Creation of a network of locus-specific IFCC Molecular Diagnostics Centres • Updating the C-MD web page within the IFCC web site Current Projects • Establish an International Network of IFCC Reference Centres in Molecular Diagnostics • Provide data on the current state of molecular diagnostics, with a particular focus on low-income countries, and to provide information to promote quality improvement • Develop a checklist for technology transfer from development to clinical laboratory testing • Standardise formats for reporting of molecular diagnostic results • Facilitate integration of pharmacogenetic testing into routine diagnostics at the appropriate quality standards Nominations, giving preference to young candidates (≤ 40 years of age) should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) using the attached Application Form before February 20 th, 2021. Following approval, the candidates will be appointed for a three-year term on the Committee. A second three-year term is allowed following satisfactory review at the end of the first term by the Scientific Division Executive Committee following consultation with the C-MD Chairman. |
Az IFCC tagot keres Vesebetegség Bizottságba |
Határidő:2021. augusztus 21. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member positions within the EMD C-KD.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 20 August 2021.
2021-2023 IFCC EMD C-KD Call for Nominations for one Member position
Az In Vitro Veritas Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Alapítvány pályázata a 2019.05.19-23. között Barcelonában megrendezésre kerülő EuromedLab kongresszuson való részvétel támogatására |
Határidő:2019. február 28. |
Az In Vitro Veritas Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Alapítvány pályázatot ír ki 12 fő részére a 2019.05.19-23. között Barcelonában megrendezésre kerülő EuromedLab kongresszuson való részvétel támogatására.
A támogatás a kongresszus részvételi költségét, 4 éj szállásköltséget és az utazás díját foglalja magában. A kiutazás a Régió-10 Kft. szervezésében történik. A Régió-10 Kft. végzi el a résztvevők online regisztrációját, foglalja le és fizeti ki a szállást és a repülőjegyet, valamint utalja át a részvételi díjat.
Pályázati feltételek:
- MLDT tagság
- orvosdiagnosztikai laboratóriumban, teljes munkaidőben történő foglalkoztatottság
A pályázatok elbírálásánál előnyt jelent:
- a barcelonai EuromedLab kongresszusra beadott absztrakt
- 40 év alatti életkor
- 5 évre visszamenőleg tudományos rendezvényeken (MLDT Nagygyűlés, EuromedLab kongresszus, hazai tudományos rendezvények, továbbképzések, lakossági tájékoztatás) való aktív részvétel (előadás vagy poszter)
A pályázatok beadásának határideje: 2019. február 28.
A pályázatnak tartalmaznia kell:
- a pályázó nevét, beosztását, munkahelyét, lakcímét, elérhetőségeit (e-mail, telefonszám)
- az utazáshoz használni kívánt utazási okmány (útlevél vagy személyigazolvány) másolatát
- a barcelonai EuromedLab kongresszusra benyújtott absztraktot (amennyiben van ilyen)
- rövid szakmai önéletrajzot, mely tartalmazza az elmúlt 5 év tudományos rendezvényein való előadások, poszterek jegyzékét, a lakossági tájékoztatók helyét, idejét.
A pályázatot az Alapítvány kuratóriumának elnökéhez kell eljuttatni e-mailben: marko.eleonora@sopronigyogykozpont.hu
A pályázatok elfogadásáról az Alapítvány kuratóriuma dönt a pályázati határidő letelte után.
A döntésről a kuratórium elnöke értesíti a pályázókat.
A támogatottak névsora az Alapítvány éves beszámolójában megjelenítésre kerül.
Pályázat csak a meghirdetett határidőig nyújtható be, határidőn túl érkező vagy nem szabályosan benyújtott pályázat nem kerül elbírálásra.
Dr. Markó Eleonóra
kuratórium elnök
Az In Vitro Veritas Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Alapítvány pályázata a 2021.11.28-12.02. között Münchenben megrendezésre kerülő EuromedLab kongresszuson való részvétel támogatására |
Határidő:2021. október 27. |
Az In Vitro Veritas Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Alapítvány pályázatot ír ki a 2021.11.28-12.02. között Münchenben megrendezésre kerülő EuromedLab kongresszuson való részvétel támogatására.
A pályázatok beadásának határideje: 2021. október 27. 24 óra.
A pályázati kiírás megtekinthető ide kattintva
Call for application - EFLM WG Promotion & Publications: 1 Full Member |
Határidő:2020. május 31. |
1 Full Member position available
The EFLM Communication Committee has the main goal to establish and maintain efficient communication channels between EFLM and its member societies and to promote EFLM activities. This work is conducted through the EFLM Working Group “Promotion & Publications” (WG-PP) currently chaired by Prof. Harjit Pal Bhattoa.
As per terms of reference, the WG-PP:
creates, develops and implements strategies how to promote EFLM activities and Laboratory Medicine in targeted audiences; obtains information from EFLM functional units and diffuse them via website, social media and EFLM newsletter; cooperates with National Societies to promote EFLM activities on NSs websites and via other communication channels.
One of the priority tasks for the new member will be the improvement of EFLM visibility in social media. The term of office will be for 2 years ending on 31 December 2021 with the potential extension for two more 2-year terms beyond 2021. It is expected that the member will spend at least 3 hours a week working on Communication Committee tasks.
Procedure for application:
Each EFLM National Society Member in good standing with the membership fee can submit one nomination through the application form downloadable by clicking here. A brief plan of the applicant’s contribution to the aims and objectives of the relevant Working Group has to be included in the form. Together with the application, a short CV should also be submitted underlining the qualifications and prior experience and publications in the relevant area. The candidate has to be officially recommended by the National Society through a formal letter of support.
Nominations have to be electronically submitted to the EFLM Office: Silvia Cattaneo - e-mail: silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu within the deadline of 31 May 2020.
Call for application - EFLM WG-Register |
Határidő:2020. május 31. |
1 Full Member position available
The EFLM Profession Committee has the main goal to represent the professional interests of specialists in laboratory medicine across Europe and to achieve recognition of professional qualifications under the European Union legislation based on the principles of free movement of professionals within Europe. This work is mainly conducted through the EFLM Working Group “Register” (WG-R) currently chaired by Dr. Nuthar Jassam.
As per terms of reference, the WG-R:
adjudicates applications to hold the title European Specialist in Laboratory Medicine (EUSpLM); implements strategies to grow the Register; supports the Profession Committee in its strategy to achieve recognition of Specialists in Laboratory Medicine.
The term of office will be for 2 years ending on 31 December 2021 with the potential extension for two more 2-year terms beyond 2021. The work is mainly conducted by e-mail and teleconferencing, the WG usually meets once per year.
Each EFLM National Society Member in good standing with the membership fee can submit one nomination through the application form downloadable by clicking here. A brief plan of the applicant’s contribution to the aims and objectives of the relevant Working Group has to be included in the form. Together with the application, a short CV should also be submitted underlining the qualifications and prior experience and publications in the relevant area. The candidate has to be officially recommended by the National Society through a formal letter of support.
Nominations have to be electronically submitted to the EFLM Office: Silvia Cattaneo - e-mail: silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu within the deadline of 31 May 2020.
Call for nomination 2020-2022 Vacancy position on the EMD Executive Committee |
Határidő:2019. december 15. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD EC.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 15 December 2019.
Call for nominations |
Call for nomination as Chair of the EFLM Working Group on Harmonisation |
Határidő:2019. június 21. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for the Chair position for the EFLM Working Group “Harmonisation” (WG-H). The term of office will be for 2 years officially starting on 1 January 2020 however the new appointed chair will be asked to immediately start the mandate this year as soon as appointed. Specific requirements for the candidates are mentioned in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by July 21, 2019.
Call for nominations Application form
Call for nominations 2024-25 for the EFLM WG “Ethics” |
Határidő:2023. október 31. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, is pleased to inform you on the establishment of a new EFLM Working Group on “Ethics” and announces the call for nominations for the following positions:
- 3 Full Members
- 1 Young Scientist-Full Member
Detailed information on the positions’ requirements in the attached letter from Prof. Evgenija Homsak, Chair of the EFLM Profession Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (eflm@eflm.eu) within October 31, 2023.
Best regards,
Terry |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Call for nominations EFLM WG-Congresses and Postgraduate Education 2020-2021 |
Határidő:2020. január 31. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position in the EFLM Working Group "Congresses and Postgraduate Education" (WG-CPE) for the 2-year term of office 2020-2021.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by January 31, 2020.
Call for nominations
Application form
Call for nominations EFLM WG-Laboratory Medicine Credit Points 2021-2022 |
Határidő:2021. május 15. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee, and Prof. Sedef Yenice, Chair of the EFLM WG-Laboratory Medicine Credit Points, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member and 1 Full Member-Young Scientist for the 2-year term of office 2021-2022.
Call for nominations
Application form
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by May 15, 2021.
Call for nominations for 1 Full Member EFLM Working Group on 'Guidelines' and EFLM Working Group on 'Postanalytical Phase' |
Határidő:2020. január 31. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member for the EFLM Working Group on “Guidelines” and for EFLM Working Group on “Postanalytical Phase for the 2-year term of office 2020-2021.
Detailed information in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu ) by January 31, 2020.
Invitation letter
Application form
Call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member EFLM Working Group on 'Biological Variation' |
Határidő:2018. november 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member for the EFLM Working Group on "Biological Variation" (WG-BV) for the 2-year term of office 2019-2020.
Specific requirements for the candidates are mentioned in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by November 30, 2018.
Call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member EFLM Working Group on 'Biological Variation'
Application form
Call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member for the EFLM Working Group on Accreditation and ISO/CEN standards |
Határidő:2018. december 02. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Dr. Wim Huisman, Chair of the EFLM Quality & Regulations Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member for the EFLM Working Group "Accreditation and ISO/CEN standards" (WG-A/ISO).
Specific requirements for the candidates are mentioned in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by December 2, 2018.
Call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member for the EFLM Working Group on Accreditation and ISO/CEN standards
Application form
Call for Nominations for a Member position within the Committee on Omics Translation (C-OT) |
Határidő:2021. március 15. |
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of prof. Sergio Bernardini, IFCC Emerging Technologies Division ‘s Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for a Member position within the Committee on Omics Translation (C-OT). Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by March 15th, 2021.
Call for Nominations
Call for Nominations for a Member position within the Task Force on Ethics (TF-E). |
Határidő:2019. március 31. |
Dear All,
Please kindly find enclosed a letter announcing a Call for Nominations for a Member position within the Task Force on Ethics (TF-E).
Nominations should be sent directly to Silvia Colli-Lanzi at the IFCC office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), before 31st March 2019.
With kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi
Call for Nominations for a Member position within the Task Force on Ethics (TF-E)
Call for nominations for one Full Member position within the IFCC Congresses and Conferences Committee |
Határidő:2020. december 07. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Khosrow Adeli, Chair of IFCC and of Prof James Wesenberg, Chair of IFCC Congresses and Conferences Committee, announcing a call for nominations for one Full Member position within the IFCC Congresses and Conferences Committee.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 6 December 2020.
Call for nominations
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Molecular Diagnostics (C-MD) |
Határidő:2021. február 28. |
Dear All, Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Molecular Diagnostics (C-MD). Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by February 28th, 2021 using the enclosed application form. Call for application Application form
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU) in collaboration with International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) |
Határidő:2020. január 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on "Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU) in collaboration with International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)".
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by January 30th, 2020 using the enclosed application form.
Call for nominations
Application form
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (C-RIDL) |
Határidő:2020. január 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on "Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (C-RIDL)".
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by January 30th, 2020 using the enclosed application form.
Call for nominations
Application form
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT). |
Határidő:2020. január 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT).
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by January 30th, 2020 using the enclosed application form.
Call for nominations
Application form
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM). |
Határidő:2021. február 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM).
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by February 20th, 2021 using the enclosed application form.
Call for application
Application form
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT) |
Határidő:2021. február 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT).
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by February 20th, 2021 using the enclosed application form.
Call for Application
Application form |
Call for Nominations for one member position at the Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT) |
Határidő:2021. február 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT).
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by February 20th, 2021 using the enclosed application form.
Call for Application
Application form |
Call for Nominations for one Member position of CPD Committee on Public Relations (C-PR) |
Határidő:2020. január 31. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Tahir Pillay, Chair of the IFCC Communications and Publications Division, announcing a call for nominations for a Member position within the Committee on Public Relations (C-PR).
Applications should be submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), with a copy to the CPD Chair, Prof. Tahir Pillay (tspillay@gmail.com) by 31st January 2020.
Call for nominations
Call for Nominations for one Member position of CPD Committee on Public Relations (C-PR) |
Határidő:2022. december 31. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Tahir Pillay, Chair of the IFCC Communications and Publications Division (CPD), announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the CPD Committee on Public Relations (C-PR).
Applications should be submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 31st December 2022.
Kindest regards Silvia Colli Lanzi
Bővebb információ megtalálható a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Call for Nominations for one member position within the Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine |
Határidő:2021. március 01. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Sergio Bernardini, IFCC Emerging Technologies Division Chair, and of Dr Tim Lang, Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position within the Committee for “Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine".
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org). The deadline has been extended to 1st March 2021.
Call for nomination |
Call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-CMBC |
Határidő:2021. január 16. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-CMBC.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 15 January 2021.
Call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-CMBC
Call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-KD |
Határidő:2020. február 12. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-KD.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 12 February 2020.
Call for nominations
Call for Nominations for the Chair position within the IFCC Committee on Public Relations (C-PR) |
Határidő:2018. november 08. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli, Chair of IFCC Communications and Publications Division, announcing a Call for Nominations for the Chair position within the IFCC Committee on Public Relations (C-PR). The C-PR Chair also serves as a member of the Executive Committee of IFCC CPD.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), copy to Prof Adeli (khosrow.adeli@sickkids.ca), by 8 november, 2018.
Kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi
Call for Nominations for the Chair position within the IFCC Committee on Public Relations (C-PR)
Call for nominations for two Member positions within the Task Force for Young Scientists |
Határidő:2020. január 31. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Pradeep Dabla, Chair of the IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists, announcing a call for nominations for two Member positions within the Task Force.
Applications should be submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 31st January 2020.
Call for nominations
Call for nominations for two positions within the EMD C-PT |
Határidő:2020. február 26. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for two positions within the EMD C-PT.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 26 February 2020.
Call for nominations
Call for nominations inside the EFLM Communication Committee (CC) |
Határidő:2020. február 28. |
The Working Group Promotion & Publications (WG-PP) is calling for nomination for 3 positions (for the 2-year term of office 2020-2021): 1 Young Scientist (≤35 years old at the time of nomination) and 2 Full members.
New skills and contacts in a progressive professional community
The Communication Committee (C-C) is in the middle of all EFLM activities. Members of CC team can learn new skills in:
- modern ways of propagation of scientific publications, educational materials or congresses
- communication with top scientists and educators
- management of teamwork
We are open to start any new meaningful activity.
The work is mainly conducted by e-mail and teleconferencing, the team usually meets once per year (travel expenses are covered by EFLM).
Call for nomination
C-IDC Call for Nominations |
Határidő:2023. november 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached an important letter on behalf of Prof Tahir Pillay, Chair of the IFCC Communications and Publications Division (CPD), announcing a CPD call for nominations for the Web Editor member position within the Committee on Internet and digital Communications (C-IDC).
Applications should be submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 30th November 2023.
For all the IFCC open Call for Nominations please visit the dedicated website page : https://ifcc.org/about/ifcc-calls-for-nominations/
Kindest regards Silvia Colli Lanzi
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (C-ETPLM) Membership |
Határidő:2023. november 15. |
The ETD is a functional unit responsible for identifying and assessing emerging technologies and for translating the emerging and disruptive diagnostic and data analysis procedures from academic laboratories to clinical laboratories and from clinical laboratories to market and end users.
We are inviting nominations for three Member positions on the Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (C-ETPLM) for the term of office 2024-2026.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 15th November, 2023.
Appointment will be for one 3-year term of office, which is renewable for one additional term.
We thank you for your attention and look forward to receiving nominations. Yours sincerely,
Prof. Sergio Bernardini ETD EC Chair
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt. |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Committee on Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM) – one member position |
Határidő:2023. december 05. |
Dear Colleagues,
The Education and Management Division (EMD) is a key resource for all members of IFCC. EMD facilitates the development of managerial skills, supports educational activities in laboratory medicine and offers critiques, advice and cutting-edge expertise on issues and problems related to laboratory management, teaching and education. EMD provides many of these educational, teaching and consultative services through its Committees.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee on Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM) for the term of office 2024-2026.
All National Society Members are requested to encourage appropriate members to apply for this position. Applicants who are not selected as members may be eligible for corresponding membership.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 5 December 2023.
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentumban olvasható! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) – one member position |
Határidő:2023. december 10. |
Dear Colleagues,
The Education and Management Division (EMD) is a key resource for all members of IFCC. EMD facilitates the development of managerial skills, supports educational activities in laboratory medicine and offers critiques, advice and cutting-edge expertise on issues and problems related to laboratory management, teaching and education. EMD provides many of these educational, teaching and consultative services through its Committees.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) for the term of office 2024-2026.
All National Society Members are requested to encourage appropriate members to apply for this position. Applicants who are not selected as members may be eligible for corresponding membership.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 10 December 2023.
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
EFLM bursaries for EuroMedLab 2021 |
Határidő:2021. október 05. |
Dear EFLM Academy Members,
This is to inform you that EFLM is promoting a bursary programme for young scientists EFLM Academy Members attending the 24th IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine in Munich from 28 November to 2 December 2021.
A limited number of bursaries is available, the bursaries will cover the cost of the travel and 4-night accommodation for a maximum of Eur 900,00. EFLM bursary recipients will also receive the free congress registration waived by the Congress Organizing Committee.
Applications have to be sent to silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu within October 5, 2021.
For more details please click here
EFLM Bursary Programme to attend the 5th EFLM Conference on Preanalytical Phase |
Határidő:2019. március 23. |
This is to inform you that EFLM is promoting a bursary programme for young scientists attending the 5thEFLM Conference on Preanalytical Phase to be held in Zagreb on 22-23 March 2019.
A limited number of bursaries is available, the bursaries will cover the cost of the travel and 2-night accommodation for a maximum of Eur 750,00. EFLM bursary recipients will also receive the free conference registration and a free on-line yearly subscription to CCLM, kindly offered by W. de Gruyter.
Eligible candidates must come from an EFLM Member Society and meet the following criteria:
- Young participants (ˇÜ35y at the date of the conference);
- Having a poster abstract accepted as First Author (deadline for abstract submission December 1, 2018)
Applications must be submitted through the attached application form and accompanied by the following documentation:
1) Copy of the ID or passport,
2) Document proving the membership to the National Society,
3) Notification of poster acceptance (acceptance/rejection will be sent by the conference organizers within January 13)
Applications have to be sent to silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu within January 31, 2019.
We assume that people submitting the application for the bursary have already decided to attend the conference (having an abstract accepted). So we expect that non-selected applicants do not withdrawn the abstract. Thanks!
With kindest regards,
Daria Pasalic
Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee
EFLM Cardiac Marker Award for remarkable scientific work in the field of cardiovascular diseases |
Határidő:2019. február 17. |
Deadline to apply: 17 February 2019
The EFLM Cardiac Marker Award sponsored by HyTest is granted to a young scientist for remarkable scientific work in the field of cardiovascular diseases. EFLM is very pleased of the collaboration with HyTest for this award, through which we intend to achieve wider recognition of the importance of high quality research in the field of cardiac markers among laboratory professionals in Europe.
The Award is given to the best published paper, as judged by an independent panel of experts, which demonstrates a remarkable scientific work in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Articles must have been published or accepted for publication between 1 January 2018 and 17 February 2019 and must be published in English in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
Eligibility criteria:
The applicant must fulfill the following criteria:
First or last author of the paper and a member of an EFLM National Society;
Age ≤ 40 years at the time when the paper was published.
Award timing:
The EFLM Cardiac Marker Award sponsored by HyTest is awarded biannually. The award will be presented at the 23rd IFCC-EFLM EuroMedLab Congress to be held in Barcelona (SP) from 19 to 23 May 2019.
Award details:
The selected scientist will receive an award of € 5.000 and the costs for attending the EuroMedLab Congress (economy class travel, reasonable accommodation and the congress registration fee). The Award will be presented to the first author, who is responsible for division of the award among his/her co-authors.
Submission procedure:
Applications must be submitted by first or last author of the paper and must be accompanied by:
Reprint of the publication or (in the case of publications in press), a manuscript copy and a copy of the journal Editor’s letter indicating the final acceptance for publication;
Short CV of the submitting author;
Document proving membership to an EFLM Society;
Document proving the age:
Statement signed by all authors of the publication consenting to submission of the paper for the Award and accepting the conditions of entry.
For any further information please contact the EFLM Office at eflm@eflm.eu
EFLM Scientific Research Grant 2024 (benyújtási határidő: január 15.) |
Határidő:2024. január 15. |
Applicants must submit a detailed budget of the study with a list of all required reagents or consumables, necessary to perform their study.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that allocated funds are sufficient to allow completion of the study. If additional funds are needed, a letter of support from a third party is provided that confirms that the rest of the budget shall be covered by that third party.
The responsibility of the selected applicant is to publish the findings of the study in an international (preferably) or national peer-reviewed journal, within two years, after receiving the grant. The grant's recipient who fail to fulfil this requirement shall be automatically disqualified from all future applications for any other EFLM award, bursary or grant within the next five years. The selected applicant can apply for this grant only once.
Eligible applications will be judged by a Research Grant Evaluation Committee composed of the Chair of the EFLM Committee for Science, the Chair of the EFLM Committee for Education and Training and one EFLM Executive Board Member selected by the EFLM President. Applications will be evaluated according to selected criteria (click here to know more).
More informations here! |
EFLM Working Group on 'Distance Education and e-Learning' Call for nominations for 1 Full Member position |
Határidő:2019. június 15. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position in the EFLM Working Group on “Distance Education and e-Learning” (WG-DE) for the 2-year term of office 2019-2020.
Specific requirements for the candidates are mentioned in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by June 15, 2019.
Call for nominations
Application form
EFLM Working Group on 'Guidelines' Call for nominations for 1 Young Scientist Member |
Határidő:2018. december 16. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Young Scientist Member for the EFLM Working Group on “Guidelines” (WG-G) for the 2-year term of office 2019-2020.
Detailed information in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by December 16, 2018.
Call for nomination
Application form
EFLM Working Group on 'Laboratory Medicine Credit points' Call for nominations for 1 Full Member position |
Határidő:2019. június 02. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position in the EFLM Working Group “Laboratory Medicine Credit points” (WG-LMCP) for the 2-year term of office 2019-2020.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by June 2, 2019.
Call for nominations
Application form
EFLM Working Group on 'Patient Focused Laboratory Medicine' Call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member |
Határidő:2018. december 16. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions and 1 Young Scientist Member for the EFLM Working Group on “Patient Focused Laboratory Medicine” (WG-PFLM) for the 2-year term of office 2019-2020.
Detailed information in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by December 16, 2018.
Call for nominations
Application form
EFLM Working Group on 'Postanalytical Phase' - Call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions |
Határidő:2019. március 01. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Prof. Eric Kilpatrick, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 2 Full Member positions in the EFLM Working Group on "Postanalytical Phase" (WG-POST). Details in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu) by February 28, 2019.
Call for nomination
Application form
EFLM Working Group on Promotion & Publications Call for nominations for 1 Full Member position |
Határidő:2019. december 19. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a communication from Daniel Rajdl, Chair of the EFLM Communication Committee, announcing the call for nominations for 1 Full Member position in the EFLM Working Group on “Promotion & Publications” (WG-P) for the 2-year term of office 2020-2021.
Specific requirements for the candidates are mentioned in the attached invitation letter.
Nominations have to be sent to the EFLM Office silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu by December 19, 2019.
Call for nomination
Application form
Emerging Technologies Division Executive Committee Membership |
Határidő:2023. november 15. |
Dear Colleagues,
The Executive Committee of the IFCC Emerging Technologies Division (ETD EC) has following vacancies for a three-years term of office starting January 1st, 2024: - three member positions - one corporate member position.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 15th November, 2023.
I thank you for your attention and look forward to receiving nominations. Yours sincerely,
Prof. Sergio Bernardini ETD EC Chair
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt. |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Executive Committee of the Scientific Division has one position vacant as Secretary and Member |
Határidő:2024. január 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed two letters on behalf of Prof. Christa Cobbaert, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for two member positions at the Scientific Division Executive Committee: Secretary and Member respectively.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by January 10th, 2024.
Thanking you in advance for supporting IFCC and related activities, I remain
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Felhívás az MLDT 60. Nagygyűlésének megszervezésére. Pályázatok beadási határideje |
Határidő:2018. október 08. |
Az MLDT Vezetősége pályázatot ír ki az MLDT 60. Nagygyűlésének 2020-ban történő megszervezésére.
A pályázatnak röviden tartalmaznia kell az alábbiakat:
- a Nagygyűlés lehetséges időpontját,
- a helyszínt (város, intézmény, termek),
- az elnök személyét,
- javaslatokat a Tudományos Bizottság tagjaira,
- javaslatokat a tudományos témákra.
A pályázatokat az MLDT Vezetősége bírálja el.
Határidő: 2018. október 8.
A pályázatokat az MLDT titkárának kell benyújtani a bagoly@med.unideb.hu email címre.
IFCC Call for nominations 2019- 2021 for C-POCT |
Határidő:2018. december 16. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations forone Member position within the EMD C-POCT.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 16 December 2018.
Call for nominations
IFCC Call for nominations 2020-2022 for Congresses and Conferences Committee |
Határidő:2020. január 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Maurizio Ferrari, Chair of IFCC and of Prof James Wesenberg, Chair of IFCC Congresses and Conferences Committee, announcing a call for nominations for one Full Member position within the IFCC Congresses and Conferences Committee. Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 10 January 2020.
Call for nominations |
IFCC Call for nominations C-BM - Committee on Bone Metabolism |
Határidő:2019. január 10. |
Dear All,
The IFCC has recently created a new Committee on "Bone Metabolism (C-BM)", chaired by Prof. Etienne Cavalier, actual Chair of the IFCC WG-BMA.
The new Committee whose activities will begin in January 2019, is formed by the joining of three already existing Working Groups on:
- Standardization of Bone Markers Assays (WG-BMA) in collaboration with IOF
- Parathyroid Hormone (WG-PTH)
- Vitamin D Standardization Program (WG-Vit D)
At this respect, please find enclosed a letter on behalf of of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, and Prof. Etienne Cavalier, announcing a Call for Nominations for four member positions in new Committee.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by next January 10th, using the enclosed application form.
Should you necessitate any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the IFCC office, or Prof. Cavalier at: etienne.cavalier@chu.ulg.ac.be
Call for nominations
Application form
IFCC call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-AQ |
Határidő:2019. január 07. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Leslie Lai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member position within the EMD C-AQ.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 07 January 2019.
Call for nomination
IFCC Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee |
Határidő:2020. december 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by December 10th, 2020.
The information must include:
1) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the nominee.
2) A full Curriculum Vitae describing his/her professional and/or academic career (including a list of publications), particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for his/her selection.
3) A letter of acceptance of the nomination by the candidate
Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee
IFCC Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee |
Határidő:2020. december 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by December 10th, 2020.
The information must include:
1) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the nominee.
2) A full Curriculum Vitae describing his/her professional and/or academic career (including a list of publications), particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for his/her selection.
3) A letter of acceptance of the nomination by the candidate
Call for Nominations for Secretary at the SD Executive Committee
IFCC C-BM - Committee on Bone Metabolism: call for nominations |
Határidő:2022. december 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on “Bone Metabolism (C-BM)”.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by December 20th, 2022 using the enclosed application form.
Thanking you in advance for supporting IFCC and related activities, I remain
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati
Bővebb információ és jelentkezlsi lap a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
IFCC C-MD Call for nominations Laboratory Network in Molecular Diagnostics |
Határidő:2020. február 01. |
Dear All,
Kindly find herewith enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, Chair of the IFCC Scientific Division, and Dr. Parviz Ahmad-Nejad, Chair of the IFCC Committee on Molecular Diagnostics, calling for applications from clinical laboratories performing molecular diagnostic tests, wishing to be part of a molecular diagnostics laboratories' networks.
Further details in the attached letter, along with the applications forms.
Applications have to be sent to the IFCC office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org), copying Dr. Parviz Ahmad-Nejad (arviz.ahmad-nejad@helios-gesundheit.de),
by next February 1st 2020.
Should you necessitate any additional details or clarification, please directly contact Dr Ahmad-Nejad, as per above details.
Call for application
Molecular Diagnostics Centers Network Application form
Molecular Diagnostics Expert Application form
IFCC C-NPU - Committee on Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU) - call for nominations |
Határidő:2020. december 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on "Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU) in collaboration with International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)".
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by December 10th, 2020 using the enclosed application form.
Call for nominations - IFCC C-NPU - Committee on Nomenclature, Properties and Units (C-NPU)
Application form
IFCC Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM) - call for nominations |
Határidő:2019. február 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for two member positions at the Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM).
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by February 10th, 2019 using the enclosed application form.
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati
Call for nominations
Application form
IFCC CPD: C-IDL member - Call for nominations |
Határidő:2018. december 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli, Chair of IFCC Communications and Publications Division, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position within the IFCC Committee on Internet and Distance Learning (C-IDL).
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), copy to Prof Adeli (khosrow.adeli@sickkids.ca), by
20 December, 2018.
Kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi
Call for nomination
IFCC C-STFT - Committee on Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests: call for nominations |
Határidő:2024. január 10. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Christa Cobbaert, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for two member positions at the Committee on “Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT)”.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by January 10th 2024 using the enclosed application form.
Thanking you in advance for supporting IFCC and related activities, I remain
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati
Bővebb információ és jelentkezési lap a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
IFCC C-TLM - Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine: call for nominations |
Határidő:2022. december 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, IFCC Scientific Division Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for one member position at the Committee on “Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (C-TLM)”.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by December 20th, 2022 using the enclosed application form.
Thanking you in advance for supporting IFCC and related activities, I remain
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati
Bővebb információ és jelentkezlsi lap a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
IFCC ETD Functional Unit: "Committee on Mobile Health and Bioengineering in Laboratory Medicine (C-MHBLM)” - call for nominations |
Határidő:2023. november 15. |
The ETD is a functional unit responsible for identifying and assessing emerging technologies and for translating the emerging and disruptive diagnostic and data analysis procedures from research units, academic laboratories to clinical laboratories and from clinical laboratories to market and end users.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee on Mobile Health and Bioengineering in Laboratory Medicine (C-MHBLM) for the term of office 2024-2026.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 15th November 2023.
Appointment will be for one 3-year term of office, which is renewable for one additional term.
We thank you for your attention and look forward to receiving nominations.
Yours sincerely, Prof. Sergio Bernardini ETD EC Chair
Dr Bernard Gouget C-MHBLM Chair
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt. |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
IFCC ETD Functional Unit: Committee for Omics Translation - C-OT call for nominations |
Határidő:2018. október 15. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Sergio Bernardini, IFCC Emerging Technologies Division Chair, and of Prof. Paolo Fortina, Committee on Omics Translation (C-OT) Chair, announcing a Call for Nominations for two members positions within the Committee on "Omics Translation".
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by next October 15th.
Thank you in advance for your support to IFCC.
Kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi
Call for nominations
IFCC ösztöndíj lehetőség a 2024. május 26-30. Dubai WorldLab kongresszusi utazásra, szállásra és részvételre 40 év alattiaknak, elfogadott absztrakttal, akik még nem nyertek ilyen pályázatot korábban |
Dear All,
Please kindly find in attachment a letter on behalf of Prof Khosrow Adeli, IFCC President, announcing up to 50 IFCC-Sponsored Travel Scholarships plus 5 additional Scholarships sponsored by Roche designated to allow Young Scientists from IFCC member countries to attend the Dubai 2024 WorldLab Congress and the third IFCC FORUM for Young Scientists.
Information and deadline to send the completed application and supporting documents by email to the IFCC Office are indicated in the same letter.
Thank you for your continuing support to IFCC activities.
Best regards,
Sofia Giardina
IFCC Office
Tájékoztató és a jelentkezési lap megtekinthető a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt!
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
IFCC Task Force on Environmental Impact of Laboratory Medicine - Call for membership nominations |
Határidő:2023. február 20. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli - IFCC President, announcing the establishment of the new IFCC Task Force on Environmental Impact of Laboratory Medicine and the related membership call for nominations.
Applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by February 20th, 2023.
Thanking you in advance for supporting IFCC and related activities, I remain
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati
A tájékoztató és a jelentkezési lap olvasható a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
IFCC Task Force on Ethics - Call for nominations |
Határidő:2023. február 15. |
Dear All,
Please kindly find enclosed a letter announcing a Call for Nominations for a Member positions within the Task Force on Ethics (TF-E).
Nominations should be sent directly to Silvia Colli-Lanzi at the IFCC office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), before
15 February 2023.
With kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi
Részletek a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
IFCC Task Force on Ethics - Call for nominations |
Határidő:2023. november 15. |
Dear All,
Please kindly find enclosed a letter announcing a Call for Nominations for a Member positions within the Task Force on Ethics (TF-E).
Nominations should be sent directly to Silvia Colli-Lanzi at the IFCC office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), before 15 November 2023.
With kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi
Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
IFCC Task Force on Ethics - Call for nominations |
Határidő:2020. február 15. |
Dear All,
Please kindly find enclosed a letter announcing a Call for Nominations for two Member positions within the Task Force on Ethics (TF-E).
Nominations should be sent directly to Silvia Colli-Lanzi at the IFCC office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org), before
15 February 2020.
Call for nominations
IFCC Task Force on Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines (TF-LMPG) |
Határidő:2023. november 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli - IFCC President, announcing the establishment of the new IFCC Task Force on Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines (TF-LMPG) and the related membership call for nominations.
The new Task Force LMPG follows the recently launched program created to develop and disseminate best practice recommendations/guidelines in all areas of clinical laboratory medicine and facilitate implementation in clinical laboratories worldwide, as per attached document.
TF Membership applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org) by November 30th, 2023.
Thanking you in advance for supporting IFCC and related activities, I remain
Sincerely yours
Paola Bramati |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
MLDT pályázat az Érdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottságban tagi tisztség betöltésére |
Határidő:2021. szeptember 30. |
A Magyar Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Társaság (MLDT) pályázatot ír ki az
Érdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottságban
tisztség betöltésére.
Az MLDT Alapszabálya szerint az Érdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottság az MLDT egy állandó bizottsága, mely a küldött-közgyűlés által választott elnökből és pályázati úton a vezetőség által jóváhagyott két tagból, valamint egy póttagból áll.
A Bizottság elnöke 2021. január 1-től Prof. Dr. Fodor Bertalan.
A Bizottság feladatai többek között az etikai szabályzat karbantartása, az annak rendelkezései szerinti eljárás etikai ügyekben, az MLDT tagjai szakmai, erkölcsi és anyagi érdekeinek képviselete, érdekvédelmi tanácsadás és segítségnyújtás.
Pályázati feltétel: legalább 5 éve folyamatos MLDT tagság, előnyt jelent a bizottság működési körébe tartozó feladatok ellátásában bárhol megszerzett korábbi tapasztalat.
A pályázatok beküldési határideje: 2021. szeptember 30.
A pályázatokat – szakmai önéletrajzzal és rövid motivációs levéllel – a következő e-mail címekre kérjük beküldeni:
bertalan.fodor@gmail.com; agnes.peterfalvi@gmail.com
Pécs-Miskolc, 2021. augusztus 12.
Prof. Dr. Miseta Attila az MLDT elnöke
Prof. Dr. Fodor Bertalan az Érdekvédelmi és Etikai Bizottság elnöke
Dr. Péterfalvi Ágnes az MLDT titkára |
MLDT pályázat tagi tisztség betöltésére a Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottságban |
Határidő:2021. szeptember 30. |
A Magyar Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Társaság (MLDT) pályázatot ír ki a
Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottságban
tisztség betöltésére.
Az MLDT Alapszabálya szerint a Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottság az MLDT egy állandó bizottsága, mely a küldött-közgyűlés által választott elnökből és pályázati úton a vezetőség által jóváhagyott két tagból, valamint egy póttagból áll. A Bizottság elnöke 2021. január 1-től Prof. Dr. Antal-Szalmás Péter.
A Bizottság feladatai többek között a tagság és az MLDT-vel kapcsolatban álló hazai és nemzetközi szervezetek rendszeres, objektív tájékoztatása, az MLDT kommunikációjának fejlesztése, a társaság honlapjának karbantartása, frissítése a honlap üzemeltetőjén keresztül.
Pályázati feltétel: legalább 2 éve folyamatos MLDT tagság, előnyt jelent a kommunikáció terén bárhol szerzett tapasztalat.
A pályázatok beküldési határideje: 2021. szeptember 30.
A pályázatokat – szakmai önéletrajzzal és rövid motivációs levéllel – a következő e-mail címekre kérjük beküldeni:
antalszp@med.unideb.hu; agnes.peterfalvi@gmail.com
Pécs-Debrecen, 2021. augusztus 31.
Prof. Dr. Miseta Attila az MLDT elnöke
Prof. Dr. Antal-Szalmás Péter a Publikációs és Kommunikációs Bizottság elnöke
Dr. Péterfalvi Ágnes az MLDT titkára
National Representatives of IFCC National Society Members Representatives of IFCC Corporate Members |
Határidő:2023. december 03. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof Nader Rifai, Chair of IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing a call for nominations for one Member positions within the EMD C-CLM.
Replies should be sent to the IFCC Office (cardinale@ifcc.org) by 3 December 2023.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards
Silvia Cardinale
Bővebb információk a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Ösztöndíj-lehetőség a 6th EFLM Conference on Preanalytical Phase (online, 2022. március 15-18.) rendezvényen történő részvételre |
Határidő:2022. február 20. |
Az EFLM pályázatot hirdetett 35 éves vagy annál fiatalabb EFLM Academy tagok számára a 6th EFLM Conference on Preanalytical Phase online konferencián történő díjmentes részvételre.
A letölthető jelentkezési lapot (mely egyben CV is) kell kitölteni, valamint igazolvány-másolat, EFLM Academy Certificate és MLDT tagsági igazolás szükséges.
Utóbbit a jelentkező(k)nek hivatalosan igazoljuk (kérjék az MLDT titkártól agnes.peterfalvi@gmail.com címen).
Jelentkezési határidő: 2022. február 20.
Részletek ide kattintva |
Pályázat fiatal Kollegáknak kongresszusi részvételre - 23rdIFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine |
Határidő:2019. március 10. |
This is to inform you that EFLM is promoting a bursary programme for young scientists attending the 23rdIFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine in Barcelona from 19 to 23 May, 2019.
A limited number of bursaries is available, the bursaries will cover the cost of the travel and 4-night accommodation for a maximum of Eur 900,00. EFLM bursary recipients will also receive the free congress registration waived by the Congress Organizing Committee and a free on-line yearly subscription to CCLM, kindly offered by W. de Gruyter.
Eligible candidates must come from an EFLM National Society Member and meet the following criteria:
- Young participants (less or equal 35y at the date of the congress);
- Having a poster abstract accepted as First Author (deadline for abstract submission January 15, 2019)
Applications must be submitted through the attached application form and accompanied by the following documentation:
1) Copy of the ID or passport
2) Document proving the membership to the EFLM National Society
3) Notification of poster acceptance (acceptance/rejection will be sent by the conference organizers within Feb 28)
4) Copy of the abstract submitted for the Barcelona congress (in case you have more than one abstract, just please select one to sent to EFLM with the above documentation)
Applications have to be sent to silvia.cattaneo@eflm.eu within March 10, 2019.
We assume that people submitting the application for the bursary have already decided to attend the congress (having an abstract accepted). So we expect that non-selected applicants do not withdrawn the abstract. Thanks!
With kindest regards,
Daria Pasalic
Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee
Application form
Pályázati felhívás az MLDT 2021. évi Nagygyűlésén történő részvétel támogatására |
Határidő:2021. július 30. |
Az MLDT (Magyar Labordiagnosztikai Társaság) 60. Jubileumi Online Nagygyűlése 2021. augusztus 26-28. között kerül megrendezésre. A társaság elnöksége korlátozott számban pályázatot hirdet a rendezvényen való részvétel költségének (regisztrációs díj) elengedésére a következő lehetőségekkel: Jelen felhívás nem tekinthető kötelező ajánlatnak, vagy kötelezettségvállalásnak. A pályázat elbírálása az MLDT vezetőségének belső szabályai alapján történik. A pályázathoz pontosan kitöltve mellékelni kell az alábbi jelentkezési lapot. Beküldési határidő: 2021.07. 30. Egy jelentkezési lapon csak egy személy pályázhat. Kérjük, olvashatóan, nyomtatott nagy betűkkel töltse ki. BEKÜLDENDŐ: Régió-10 Kft. ♦ 6701 Szeged, Pf.: 898. ♦ info@regio10.hu A jelentkezési lap letölthető ide kattintva |
Pályázati lehetőség a Rome 2023 Worldlab-Euromedlab (2023. május 21-25.) kongresszuson való részvétel támogatására 35 éves korig |
Határidő:2023. március 01. |
Pályázati lehetőség a Rome 2023 Worldlab-Euromedlab (2023. május 21-25.) kongresszuson való részvétel támogatására 35 éves korig.
Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee,
informs about the next EFLM bursary programme addressed to EFLM Academy Members from EFLM National Society Members
Number of available bursaries:
- 10 for Young Scientists ≤35y from EFLM National Society and Academy Members
- 5 for selected EFLM National Society and EFLM Academy Members without age limit
What the bursary covers: travel and 4-night accommodation up to a limited amount (the registration fee is waived by the Congress Organizing Committee)
How to apply: using the specific application form to be sent to eflm@eflm.eu
Bővebb információ megtekinthető IDE KATTINTVA!
Pályázati lehetőség az IFCC Professional Exchange Programme-ben való 1-3 hónap időtartamú részvételre, havi 1500 svájci frank támogatással és az utazási költségek fedezésével |
Határidő:2022. november 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli, President of the IFCC and Prof. Nader Rifai, Chair of the IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing the Fall PEP Call for Applications.
Applications should be sent to the IFCC Office (ifcc@ifcc.org ) by 30 November 2022.
Thank you for your attention.
Kindest regards
Silvia Cardinale
Az IFCC Professional Exchange Programme - Tájékoztató
Az IFCC Professional Exchange Programme - Jelentkezésilap |
Pályázati lehetőség az IFCC Professional Scientific/Management Exchange Programme-ben való 1-3 hónap időtartamú részvételre, havi 1500 svájci frank támogatással és az utazási költségek fedezésével |
Határidő:2023. november 30. |
Dear All,
Kindly find attached a letter on behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli, President of the IFCC and Prof. Nader Rifai, Chair of the IFCC Education & Management Division, announcing the 2023 Fall PEP Call for Applications.
Applications should be sent to the IFCC Office (ifcc@ifcc.org ) by 30 November 2023.
Thank you for your attention.
Kindest regards
Silvia Cardinale
Tájékoztató és jelentkezésilap a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Újra pályázható az EuroMedLab München 2022. április 10-14. kongresszuson történő részvétel |
Határidő:2022. február 15. |
Kedves Kollégák! Az eredetileg tavaly november végére tervezett, majd elhalasztott EuroMedLab Munich kongresszust idén április 10-14. között rendezik meg. Újra lehet rá regisztrálni, és absztraktot is benyújtani, utóbbi határideje 2022. február 10.
Az MLDT, illetve az In Vitro Veritas Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Alapítvány ismételten pályázatot ír ki az ezúttal tavaszi kongresszuson történő részvételre. A részletes pályázati kiírás megtekinthető ide kattintva Az Alapítvány kuratóriumának elnöke, Dr. Markó Eleonóra várja jelentkezésüket! Üdvözlettel: Prof. Dr. Miseta Attila, az MLDT elnöke, Dr. Péterfalvi Ágnes, az MLDT titkára és Dr. Nagy Béla, az MLDT pénztárosa |
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Autoimmunity Testing” |
Határidő:2022. november 30. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy: WG “Autoimmunity Testing” (WG-AT) 1 Young Scientist-Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Dr. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within November 30, 2022.
Best regards,
Call for nominations
Application form |
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Biological Variation" |
Határidő:2023. január 15. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancies:
- WG “Biological Variation” (WG-BV)
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Prof. Michel Langlois, Chair of the Science Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within January 15, 2023.
Best regards, Terry, EFLM Office
A tájékoztató és a jelentkezési lap olvasható a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Congresses and Postgraduate Education” |
Határidő:2022. december 10. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancies:
WG “Congresses and Postgraduate Education” (WG-CPE)
1 Young Scientist-Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Prof. Daria Pasalic, Chair of the EFLM Education and Training Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within December 10, 2022.
Best regards,
Terry, EFLM Office
Bővebb információ megtekinthető IDE KATTINTVA! Jelentkezésilap letölthető IDE KATTINTVA! |
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Harmonisation” |
Határidő:2022. december 20. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy:
- WG “Harmonisation” (WG-H)
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Dr. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (eflm@eflm.eu) within December 20th, 2022.
Best regards,
Silvia |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Harmonisation” |
Határidő:2022. október 14. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy:
- WG “Harmonisation” (WG-H)
o 1 Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Dr. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee.
Procedure for applications
Each National Society FULL Member in good standing with the membership fee can submit one nomination through the attached application form. A brief plan of the applicant’s contribution to the aims and objectives of the relevant Working Group has to be included in the form. Together with the application, a short CV should also be submitted underlining the qualifications and prior experience and publications in the relevant area. Candidates must be officially nominated by their National Society through a formal letter of support. Applicants who are not selected as full members may be eligible for corresponding membership.
Please be informed that in order as many of the EFLM’s constituent countries to have an opportunity of representation on a Working Group, it is stipulated that there can only be one person from any single country who is either a Full or Corresponding Member. It means that if someone from your country is already in one of these roles, then nominating another individual would require the existing person to forfeit their position on the Group should your new nomination be successful.
Per the EFLM Transparency Policy, all received nominations and reasons for the successful one will be made available to all those National Societies who submitted a nomination specifying also the criteria used during the evaluation process.
Nominations have to be electronically submitted to the EFLM Office: Silvia Terragni - e-mail: silvia.terragni@eflm.eu within the deadline of 14 October 2022.
With kindest regards,
Michel Langlois
Chair of the EFLM Science Committee |
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Harmonisation” |
Határidő:2023. március 12. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy:
· WG “Harmonisation” (WG-H)
o 1 Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Prof. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (eflm@eflm.eu) within March 12th, 2023.
Best regards, Terry |
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Promotion & Publications” |
Határidő:2023. március 01. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy:
- WG “Promotion & Publication” (WG-PP)
o 1 Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Dr. Daniel Rajdl, Chair of the EFLM Communication Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within March 1, 2023.
Best regards,
Silvia |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Promotion & Publications” |
Határidő:2023. január 15. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy:
- WG “Promotion & Publication” (WG-PP)
- 1 Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Dr. Daniel Rajdl, Chair of the EFLM Communication Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within January 15, 2023.
Best regards,
Tájékoztató és jelentkezésilap a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the EFLM WG “Register” |
Határidő:2023. február 20. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancy:
- WG “Register” (WG-R)
- 1 Young Scientist-Full Member
Detailed information on the required position in the attached letter from Prof. Evgenija Homsak, Chair of the EFLM Profession Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within February 20, 2023.
Best regards,
Terry, EFLM Office
A tájékoztató és a jelentkezési lap olvasható a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the WG “Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury” |
Határidő:2023. május 15. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, is pleased to inform you on the establishment of a new EFLM Working Group on “Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury” and announces the call for nominations for the following positions:
- 3 Full Members
- 1 Young Scientist-Full Member
Detailed information on the positions’ requirements in the attached letter from Prof. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (eflm@eflm.eu) within May 15, 2023.
Best regards,
Részletek és jelentkezési lap a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the WG “Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury” |
Határidő:2023. szeptember 30. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following position:
WG “Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury” (WG-BTBI)
o 1 Young Scientist-Full Member (<35 years old at the time of the nomination)
Detailed information on the required position in the attached letter from Prof. Michel Langlois, Chair of the EFLM Science Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (eflm@eflm.eu) within September 30, 2023.
Bővebb információ és jelentkezési lap a kapcsolt dokument alatt olvasható! |
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Vacancies under the WG “Register" |
Határidő:2022. december 10. |
Dear All,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, the EFLM President, Prof. Tomris Ozben, announces the call for nominations for the following vacancies:
- WG “Register” (WG-R)
- 1 Full Member
- 1 Young Scientist-Full Member
Detailed information on the required positions in the attached letter from Prof. Evgenija Homsak, Chair of the EFLM Profession Committee.
Nominations should be sent to the EFLM Office (silvia.terragni@eflm.eu) within December 10, 2022.
Best regards,
Terry, EFLM Office
Bővebb információ megtekinthető IDE KATTINTVA!
Regisztrációs lap elérhető IDE KATTINTVA! |