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A MIT legfrissebb hírei

A 3-year postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Peter Szodoray, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2024.02.09.


A 3-year postdoc position (with a possible 1 year extension) is available in the laboratory of Dr. Peter Szodoray (Institute of Immunology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital, Norway) in collaboration with the Clinical Immunology Dept on common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) research. The main focus of the study is the role/signaling of CD21low B cells in the pathogenesis. In addition we are currently working on the regulation of plasma cell development in healthy B cells. We are seeking for an ambitious candidate who has experience with (single cell) sequencing, transcriptomics and could join and strengthen our team from the gene regulation angle.

For further information and application please contact:

Professor of Medicine at UniDeb
Head of the B-cell Receptor Signaling Group (BCRS)
Specialist in Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology
Institute of Immunology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital
Sognsvannsveien 20., Section A2. 2nd. floor, Room:   A3.2079, 0372 Oslo, Norway
Phone: + 47 23 07 30 65 Cell: + 47 94 269082 Fax: + 47 23 07 35 10
Email: szodoray@gmail.com, peter.szodoray@medisin.uio.no, petszo@ous-hf.no
Website: https://www.ous-research.no/home/szodoray