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2024.09.25. Netherlands, Amsterdam
The diverse programme of the annual EADV Congress includes hands-on workshops, sub-specialty sessions, and industry sessions covering the full scope of topics, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin cancer, sexually transmitted infections, and many more. The exhibition hall will also provide opportunities for attendees to explore the latest technologies, treatments, and products in the dermatology and venereology field. In addition to the scientific programme, the Congress is a fantastic opportunity to network and meet like-minded healthcare professionals, interested in developing their knowledge and career, at Europe’s biggest Congress dedicated to skin and sexual health. Call for abstracts: deadline: 2024.04.24. https://eadv.org/congress/scientific/call-for-abstracts/
2024.10.17. Magyarország, 1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 35., Hotel Benczúr
Online előadás-bejelentés: http://www.etalon95.hu/mskt/kongresszus/eloadas-bejelentes.html Szervező Bizottság: Dr. Farkas Péter, Hanga Péter, Prof. Dr. Hunyadi János, Prof. Dr. Juhász István, Dr. Kovács L. András, Dr. Sugár István Ebben az évben fő témákat nem adunk meg. Az előadást tartó szakdolgozók részvétele ingyenes.
2024.10.23. France, Paris
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