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IEDVCC 2023 - 3rd International Eurasian Dermatology-Venerology and Cosmetology Congress
Rendezvény kezdete: 2023.12.14.Rendezvény vége: 2023.12.17.
Helyszín: Törökország, Antalya, Xanadu Resort Belek Hotel
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://avrasyagunleri.org/eng/


Distinguished Colleagues,
We are glad to share our dream and happiness for the organization of 3rd International Eurasian Dermatology-Venerology and Cosmetology Congress, firstly with Eurasian countries and all international participating countries on 14-17 December 2023 hosting as the Turkish Nations and brother countries in remembrance of the 100th anniversary of Turkish Republic at Antalya's warm and smooth climate.
Subjects of Dermatology & Venereology, aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology will be discussed. Our congress will take place at Antalya- Xanadu High Class Hotel with high service quality, acongress which has a scientifically and socially varying concept with the lectures of practice and application.
We are wishing to get together with you in order to discuss the differences according to the countries, frequencies, problems of the diagnoses and treatments, our mutual problems, differences, illnesses of skin and venereal diseases from different countries, different disciplines and different doctors. In addition to refresh our minds on frequently seen illness we will be sharing knowledge and experiences, also other than a scientific gathering, meeting with our colleagues in a social manner, socializing, sharing concerns, refreshing our memories, fulfilling our longings, creating new friendships, developing scientific projects.
We are glad to invite you all for commemorating 100th anniversary of Turkish Republic and celebrating the new year with this grand organization with you and the great feeling of being with our valuable doctors and colleagues.
On behalf of the ADVAD executive board and organizing committee
Congress Presidents;
Prof. Dr. Nilgün SOLAK
Prof. Dr. Selma EMRE

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