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Postgraduate Training Course on colorectal diseases

Hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2009.04.01.

A word of Welcome
by the EFISDS President and the Course Directors.
Dear Collegues and Friends,
It is the pleasure of the EFISDS to welcome you all to our Post Graduate Course in the exquisitly beautiful Cluj-Napoca in Romania.
We look forward to work together with you in this quest to further our knowledge and learn about the latest advances and practicial applications in these highly specialized disciplines of Surgery. With the benefits of the latest technology in direct link live transmissions of the Operating Room available to us at the Cluj-Napoca University high tech amphit heatre, you will have the chance to join us in the unparalelled first hand practical experience, we all know to be so essential in the transfer of know how and enhancement of the surgical skill factor.
Considering the distinguished Faculty from the broader Europe, our expectations are none less than excellence!
See you there!
Professor Jacob Izbicki
President EFISDS
Professor Sorin Barbu
Course Director
Professor Roger Leicester
Course Director
Faculty of distinguished Sp

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