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A MRT legfrissebb hírei

Szakmai Kollégium Radiológiai Tagozat állásfoglalása

Általános 2017.05.20. 00:00 MRT
Szakmai Kollégium Radiológiai Tagozat állásfoglalása letölthető ide kattintva >>

Az American College of Radiology állásfoglalása a fenti kérdéssel kapcsolatban:
The ACR continues to endorse the need for additional research efforts directed towards greater understanding of the mechanisms, cellular effects, and clinical consequences of gadolinium tissue deposition. At this time, there is no compelling evidence that any GBCAs, including linear ones, pose any safety risk with respect to brain deposition of gadolinium. Further, linear agents have significant and well-documented diagnostic utility, and in some instances may have more desirable pharmacologic properties or a lower acute reaction risk than macrocyclic agents.

https://www.acr.org/About-Us/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2017-Press-Releases/20170404-ACR-Response-to-the-European-PRAC-Recommendations >>
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