A new specialist medical journal “Chirurgia Kolana, Artroskopia, Traumatologia Sportowa

( ang.“Knee Surgery, Arthroscopy, Sports Traumatology”) is an official magazine of Knee Surgery and Sports Traumatology Section Board of Polish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology. We wanted this new quarterly magazine fulfill the gap of our medical publication market concerning the research subjects of knee surgery, arthroscopy and sports traumatology. The main aim is to make specialized knowledge better understandable for wide groups of doctors and for creating a location of exchange different points of view of knee surgery, the use of arthroscopy (not only knee arthroscopy) together with wide field of sports traumatology. ”Knee Surgery, Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology” magazine is found to be quarterly bilingual publication, which means that papers can be presented in both Polish and English languages. One of the aims of Editorial Board is to make the magazine accessible not only for Polish authors but also for colleagues from other countries meanly neighbours ones. The title as well as the shape of our magazine is a bit similar to ESSKA ”Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthrocopy” also the subjects intend to be almost the same concerning beside knee surgery, the surgery of other joints of musculosceletal system.

It is also very important that the Scientific Board of this journal has joined by many well known foreign orthopedic surgeons (see: Scientific Board).  The present personal Scientific Board frame is from the one side, a reason of satisfaction and pride, from the other side however is a kind of warranty of magazine high scientific level. At present we prepare the next issues (4 and 5 number). Last 3 numbers was warmly accepted by wide groups of doctors in Poland. As editor-in-chief, it is important that I attempt to continually improve the visibility and quality of our journal. That is why I would like ask you to consider a possibilities a publish some paper in our journal (yours, your colleagues, friends, assistants,), for us will be a great honor.


Actual Scientific Board of the journal “Chirurgia Kolana, Artroskopia, Traumatologia Sportowa” (Surgery of the Knee, Arthroscopy, Sports Traumatology)


dr hab. med. Jan Baron

/Katowice, Poland/

prof. dr med. Istvan Berkes

/Budapest, Hungary/

dr med. Arkadiusz Bielecki

/Rzeszów, Poland

prof. dr Mats Brittberg

/Kungsbacka, Sweden/

prof. dr Kai-Ming Chan

/Hong Kong, China/

dr med. Josef Dobos

/Budapest, Hungary/

dr med. Julian Dutka

/Kraków, Poland/

prof. dr med. Lars Engebretsen

/Oslo, Norway/

prof. dr hab. med. Tadeusz Gaździk

/Sosnowiec, Poland/

prof. dr hab.med. Andrzej Górecki

/Warszawa, Poland/

prof. dr med. Hans Rudolf Henche

/Reinfelden, Germany/

prof. dr Siegfried Hofmann

/Stolzalpe, Austria/

dr med. Jeno Kiss

/Budapest, Hungary/

dr med. Elisaveta Kon


prof. dr hab. med. Jacek Kruczyński

/Bydgoszcz, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Damian Kusz

/Katowice, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Wojciech Maria Kuś

/Warszawa, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski

/Warszawa, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Paweł Małdyk

/Warszawa, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Wojciech Marczyński

/Warszawa, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Stanisław Mazurkiewicz

/Gdańsk, Poland/

dr hab. med. Andrzej Nowakowski

/Poznań, Poland/

prof. dr hab. med. Kazimierz Rąpała

/Warszawa, Poland/

prof. dr Hans Peter Scharf

/Mannheim, Germany/

prof. dr hab. med. Tadeusz Trzaska

/Poznań, Poland/

dr hab. med. Jerzy Widuchowski

/Piekary Śl., Poland/





The Journal CHIRURGIA KOLANA, ARTROSKOPIA, TRAUMATOLOGIA SPORTOWA is bilingual quarterly presenting articles in Polish and English language. This Journal publishes articles on various aspects of surgery of the knee, arthroscopy and sports traumatology.

All articles are published in the following categories:

a) clinical and experimental papers

b) review papers

c) case reports

d) reprints of chosen articles from foreign journals

e) book review

 f) letters to the Editor

g) reports from scientific medical meetings

h) informations about Meetings and Congresses 

i) editorial articles

j) articles from sponsors

k) varia




The Editorial Board of  the journal CHIRURGIA KOLANA, ARTROSKOPIA, TRAUMATOLOGIA SPORTOWA accepts articles in Polish and English language.


a)    Original research papers, case reports and non-invited papers are peer reviewed by two    referees. Our policy is to blind reviewers to the origin of the manuscript. The names of the reviewers are not disclosed to au­thors.

b)    The Editor is not responsible for the scientific content of reprints from foreign journals or sponsored artic­les.

c)    One hard copies and paper prepared on CD in Word 7.0, Text or ASCII file format as well as all correspondence should be directed to Editorial Board.

d)    Original papers should not exceed 12 standard pages (the entire manuscript together with all illustrations and references should not exceed 20 pages), case re­ports - 6 pages, reports, letters and reviews - 2 pages. The manuscript should be written double spaced on A4 paper.

e)    Authors should state that papers were not or will not be, published elsewhere.


The manuscript should be arranged as follows:

a)    title page

-         the full name of each author

-         the organizational affiliation of each author (workplace) with the name and title of his immediate supervisor

-         the full title of the article in Polish and English language

-         the main author of a article is obliged to make known his postal address, internet address and contact telephone

b)    second page

-         summary and 4-5 key words

-         summary ( 200 – 250 words ) should consists: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion

c)    structure of the text: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion,

                                       Conclusions, References

d)    Drawings, graphs and diagrams should be submitted in the final form for publication.

      Please indicate, with soft pencil on the back of all illustrations, the name of the first   

author, the figure number and the title. Legends for the illustrations should be submitted on the separa­te sheet of paper and should be self-explanatory. Pho­tographs must be black and white glossy prints.

e)    References are numbered consecutively in the order of their occurrence in the text. The style of references is that of Index Medicus.

Standard journal article: Aglietti P, Bertini F, Buzzi R, Beraldi R. Arthroscopic meniscectomy for discoid lateral meniscus in children and adolescents: 10-year follow-up. Am J Knee Surg 1999; 12: 83-87.

Book: Insall JN.: Surgery of the Knee. New York: Churchill  Livingstone, 1984.




Dr hab. med. Jerzy Widuchowski


ul. Bałtycka 41 E


Tel. home : +48 32 25 24 760

E-mail: j.w@neostrada.pl