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EFORT Congress Update n°7 - Early registration deadline: 3 weeks to benefit from best rate

Hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2024.02.08.


You have until 29 February 2024 to register with the early bird registration fees for the 25th EFORT Congress.

Remember that our online registration platform is the only official way to join us from 22 to 24 May 2024 in Hamburg, Germany!



Early registration deadline: 3 weeks to benefit from best rate!

You have until 29 February 2024 to register with the early bird registration fees for the 25th EFORT Congress.

Remember that our online registration platform is the only official way to join us from 22 to 24 May 2024 in Hamburg, Germany!


Registration of presenting authors: don't miss the deadline!

All the presenting authors of accepted abstracts are requested to register by 29 February 2024 using the same email address as the one used for their abstract submission.

Only abstracts of registered presenters will be validated for the final programme.

Changes in authors are possible until 29 February 2024 by direct request only to scicom@efort.org.


Book your accomodation now

Our official housing company ─Congrex Switzerland─ offers you a range of hotels in Hamburg to help secure your stay during the congress days.

Book your preferred hotel on our official registration platform or contact Congrex directly via email hotel.efort@congrex.com


MOT tagdíj összege szakorvosoknak: 12.000 Ft

Szakorvosjelölteknek 8.000 Ft.

65 éves kortól lehet kérni az emeritus tagságot a MOT Főtitkárához írt levélben. Az emeritus tagot tagdíjmentesség illeti meg a MOT alapszabálya szerint.

70. életév betöltése után tagdíjfizetési kötelezettség nincsen.