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MOT társasági hírek>>

Az MOT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    EFORT Webinar (24 June, 2019)
    [2019.05.31.] - MOT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Monday 24 June 2019 | 19:00-20:00 Central European Time (Zurich)

    This webinar will address the following topics:
    The Strategy of Writing a Paper - Søren Overgaard (Denmark)
    Target Journal Selection - Marius Scarlat (France)
    The Article from Editor’s Point of View - Pierre Hoffmeyer (Switzerland)

    Learning Objectives:
    Publishing research is a must for career advancement. However, to get a paper published requires taking important critical steps during the writing and submission process of the manuscript. The webinar also provides a brief overview of the submission and review process to publish a manuscript in a biomedical journal, which includes the following:
    • developing the framework of the manuscript;
    • flow of a manuscript, drafting of various publication and relevant guidelines;
    • types of publication documents and their importance;
    • selection of the target journal, preparation of submission ready manuscript, preparing for submission, submission process and post-submission follow-up with journal;
    • what editors and reviewers look for in a manuscript; and
    • common causes of rejection.

    This Webinar is organised by the EFORT Orthopaedic Education Group independent of any commercial educational support and hosted by m-events.

    Register on line: http://efortnet.conference2web.com/webinars
    More information: https://www.efort.org/elearning/



MOT társasági hírek>>

MOT tagdíj összege szakorvosoknak: 12.000 Ft

Szakorvosjelölteknek 8.000 Ft.

65 éves kortól lehet kérni az emeritus tagságot a MOT Főtitkárához írt levélben. Az emeritus tagot tagdíjmentesség illeti meg a MOT alapszabálya szerint.

70. életév betöltése után tagdíjfizetési kötelezettség nincsen.