Jogok naptára - angolul


IPPF is the world's largest voluntary organistaion in sexual and reproductive health and rights and family planning.

In IPPF's 50th anniversary calendar, we have featured the sexual and reproductive rights that appear in the IPPF Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights. These rights are important, not because women are dying, although that alone should be sufficient reason, but because promises governments have made to respect these rights are, in some cases, more honoured in the breach than the observance.

July - The right to choose whether or not to marry and to found and plan a family

The Charter states that the right to choose whether or not to marry and to found and plan a family applies to, and should be invoked to protect, all persons against any marriage entered into without the full, free and informed consent of both partners.

June - The right to information and education

The Charter states that the right to equality and to be free from all forms of discrimination applies to, and should invoked to protect, the right of all persons to access full information on the benefits, risks and effectiveness of all methods of fertility regulation, in order that any decesions they make on such matters are made with full, free and informed consent.

May - The right to freedom of thought

The Charter states that the right to equality and to be free from all forms of discrimination applies to, and should invoked to protect, the right of all persons to access to education and information related to their sexual and reproductive health free from restrictions on grounds of thought, conscience and religion.

April - The right to privacy

The Charter states that the right to equality and to be free from all forms of discrimination applies to, and should invoked to protect, the right of all clients of sexual and reproductive health care information, education and services to a degree of privacy, and to confidentiality with regard to personal information given to service providers.

March - The right to equality and to be free from all forms of discrimination

The Charter states that the right to equality and to be free from all forms of discrimination applies to, and should invoked to protect, the right of all people, regardless of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family position, age, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, to equal access to information, education and services related to development, and to sexual and reproductive health.

February - The right to liberty and security of the person

The Charter states that the right to liberty and security of the person applies to, and should invoked to protect, women currently at risk from genital mutilation, or subject to forced pregnancy, sterilization or abortion.