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A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

Általános 2023.09.18. MIT

13 ILAE School on Presurgical Evaluation for Epilepsy and Epilepsy Surgery (EPODES)

13th EPODES Advanced II is an interactive course on surgically remediable epilepsies, presurgical evaluation, scalp and intracranial EEG, neuropsychology, imaging and psychiatric issues of surgical patients before and after surgery. EPODES courses are organized in three-year cycles. This year the course will be dedicated to advanced information on epilepsy surgery including adults and children. The programme consists of presentations by keynote speakers and case presentations by tutors and students.
Időpont: 22 – 26 January, 2024
Helyszín: Brno, Czech Republic

Deadline for application for bursary: 30th September, 2023.
Deadline for all applications: 30th November, 2023.



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