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Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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Társasági hírek

  • Announcement from ASN, ERA, and ISN on the Collective Effort to Provide Relief to People with Kidney Diseases and Their Caregivers During Natural Disasters and Human Conflicts Throughout the World
    [2023.12.15.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    In formal collaborations since January 2015, the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the European Renal Association (ERA), and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) held a joint leadership meeting on 4-5 December 2023 to proudly affirm their sustained partnership and renew their collective commitment to addressing the challenges faced by people with kidney diseases and their caregivers worldwide.
    As nonpolitical, not-for-profit, nongovernmental organizations, ASN, ERA, and ISN are committed to helping people with kidney diseases and their caregivers (including nephrologists)…

    bővebben >>

  • Elhunyt Prof. Dr. Radó János (1930.05.25. -2023.12.05.)
    [2023.12.07.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
     (1930.05.25. -2023.12.05.)Elment a Mester, Prof Dr. Radó János, de gazdag öröksége velünk marad örökre

    Elment, itt hagyott minket a Mester, a magyar nefrológia 93 éves doajenje Prof Dr. Radó János, de tele puttonyát, melyet egy életen át gyűjtögetett, itt hagyta velünk örökségként.
    A Mester, aki a munkában, az elkötelezettségben, az írásban és az olvasásban is mindig és mindenkor előttünk járt, és erről a szokásáról sohasem mondott le; aki 80 - 90 éves korában is 14 lektorált nemzetközileg figyelmet kiváltó tudományos cikket közölt, és akinek most is a nyomdában van egy cikke az általa szeretett…

    bővebben >>

  • A Quick Guide for Enhancing CKD Early Identification and Intervention: Now Available for Download
    [2023.11.22.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global concern, significantly impacting morbidity and increasing cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.

    Prevention and early detection are critical on a worldwide scale.

    A one-page guide has been developed for primary care professionals, to give them an edge in identifying and intervening on CKD early.

    Read more
  • Clinical Kidney Journal - November 2023
    [2023.11.22.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Check out the new November issue of CKJ, fully open access!


    The optimized anticoagulation strategy in prolonged hemodialysis
    The results of this study indicate that there is no need to administer enoxaparin over two injections for ENHD up to 8 h. The usefulness of monitoring anti-Xa levels to predict fiber patency, assessed by µCT, can be questioned, but further clinical trials are needed.

    Ultraprocessed foods and chronic kidney disease—double trouble
    In this Review the authors discuss the potential risk of UPFs…

    bővebben >>

  • Tudomány és Művészet Kórélettana” XVI. kurzusa  nyilvános előadása  2023.11.23.
    [2023.11.22.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Image by jcomp on FreepikMiért írok és kinek?
    Pozsgai Zsolt
    Balázs Béla-díjas író
    színházi és filmrendező, producer

    bevezető előadás
    Olvasni vagy nem olvasni – ez itt a kérdés
    Prof. emer. Dr. Rosivall László
    Széchenyi-díjas egyetemi tanár

    2023.11. 23., 16:30-18:00
    Semmelweis Egyetem Elméleti Tömb Selye János (Zöld) Előadóterme (1089 Bp., Nagyvárad tér 4.)


    meghallgatható a Zoom rendszeren keresztül az alábbi linken: 

    bővebben >>

  • 61st ERA Congress: spread the word!
    [2023.11.15.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    The 61st ERA Congress will take place on May 23-26, 2024, both virtual and live in Stockholm
    Please help us spread the word by publishing the announcement of our next Congress on your Society’s website and social media with the following information: 

    61st ERA Congress 
    May 23-26, 2024 
    Stockholm & Virtual 


    bővebben >>

  • Join the official ERA Bodies!
    [2023.11.15.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    ERA is offering the opportunity to join the official ERA Bodies, including the possibility to become one of ERA Council Members

    The ERA Council strongly supports the idea of being as representative and inclusive as possible, thus members, in particular women, young members and members from countries that are not represented in any of the current Council, Working Groups and Committees, are encouraged to participate actively in these elections by submitting their candidatures and for this reason needs your help.


    bővebben >>

  • Kitekintés a nagyvilágba: IFKF-WKA Connect October 2023 - Kidney Health for all. Optimal care for people with kidney disease
    [2023.11.13.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Az IFKF-WKA Connect October 2023 száma megtekinthető ide kattintva

    A tartalomból:
    President's Message
    Committee Members & Portfolio
    Hungarian Kidney Foundation
    Indian Renal Foundation
    Italian Kidney Foundation
    Mexico Foundation
    Tamilnad Kidney Research Foundation
    Turkish Kidney Foundation
    Fourthcoming Events
  • ERA Circular Letter 2024
    [2023.11.09.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Are you ready to dive into another exciting year of kidney care and innovation?
    With 2024 just around the corner, we invite you to actively commit to excellence in kidney health

    ERA Membership
    Ready to embark on another exciting year with ERA?
    Joining the ERA Community for another year is an incredible opportunity to reap the rewards of your support and get involved in our key areas: Education, Science, and Networking
    Your ERA Community is here to support you in every step of your career or…

    bővebben >>

  • ERA24 - Inspire the future of research: submit your abstract!
    [2023.11.07.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Abstracts & Travel Grants Submission is now open!

    Are you ready to make a profound impact on the world of research?
    Here’s your chance to inspire change, innovation, and progress: showcase your research at the 61st ERA Congress!

    Communications should concern all aspects of nephrology, the prevention and treatment of renal diseases and associated conditions and/or the scientific background to the study of the kidney.

    All authors will receive a special discount to register, and…

    bővebben >>