>. We welcome you to be a part of this exciting new initiative! Prof. Michel Jadoul Editor-in-Chief NDT-Educational Dr Ana Carina Ferreira Chair Young Nephrologists' Platform (YNP)" /> Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság On-line
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Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

Az alábbiakban adjuk közre az YNP és az NDT-Educational új kezdeményezését

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2015.08.02.


It is our pleasure to announce a new YNP and NDT-Educational initiative: Hot Topics in nephrology. The aim of this new initiative is to help young nephrologists and NDT-Educational readers to interact and gather the latest information on various hot topics in nephrology. Bimonthly, an expert will discuss a relevant article, after which any NDT-Educational user can participate by adding comments or posing questions to the expert. The first topic that was recently published is on aHUS. You can read the blog post containing comments from Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi on his article, published in Blood last year:"Dynamics of complement activation in aHUS and how to monitor eculizumab therapy" on the NDT-Educational website >>. We welcome you to be a part of this exciting new initiative! Prof. Michel Jadoul Editor-in-Chief NDT-Educational Dr Ana Carina Ferreira Chair Young Nephrologists' Platform (YNP)