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A MEAT legfrissebb hírei

ICE 2024 | Endocrinology Conference, Dubai, 1-3 March 2024

Szakmai 2023.05.31. 00:00 MEAT

Dear Colleague,

As you attended the ICE Congress in the past, you know from previous experience that ICE Congress offers top-quality science, excellent lectures from international experts and many opportunities to share, connect and grow professionally.

The 21st International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE 2024) will take place on 1-3 March 2024 in Dubai. With the abstract submission deadline on 12 September 2023, we would like to ask for your valuable support to help advance endocrine science and clinical practise.

You can do that by submitting an abstract and sharing this opportunity with your professional network. Review the abstract topics and take the next step to push forward your career.

Join us now and submit your abstract by 12 September 2023.

Congress website


As part of its mission, the International Society of Endocrinology is committed to providing support to young investigators and researchers, particularly from underserved regions, to present their research to an international audience. ISE is delighted to make the ISE Travel Grants Program available again for the upcoming ICE 2024 congress in Dubai. The Program is now open for applications through the abstract submission system of the congress.


Meet the Committee

Why attend

About the venue