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EADV Supportive Oncodermatology - Face to face course (Bacoli, Naples, Italy, 2024.05.09-11.)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.05.09.Rendezvény vége: 2024.05.11.
Helyszín: Italy, Bacoli, Naples,

Resident application deadline: 07.02.2024

Program >>

Supportive oncodermatology is a dermatology specialty focused on caring for cancer patients who experience dermatologic reactions, whether pre-existing or resulting from oncologic therapy. This comprehensive course is dedicated to the prevention, early detection, and management of dermatologic adverse reactions associated with both modern and traditional cancer therapies. Our program provides the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to improve in the care of cancer patients. By mastering the principles of supportive oncodermatology, you can significantly improve a patient's quality of life and, equally important, reduce the risk of unwarranted interruptions in life-saving oncologic treatments. This course stands out for its dynamic approach, driven by real clinical cases that reflect the complexities encountered in practice. Additionally, the best clinical practices in supportive oncodermatology will be discussed, ensuring that you're equipped to provide the highest level of care and support to cancer patients. Join us in this transformative journey to enhance your expertise in the field of supportive oncodermatology and make a positive impact on cancer patient outcomes.

Learning Objectives
The main learning objectives of this course are: 1. Prevention of acute dermatologic reactions (skin, hair, and nails reactions) 2. Management of the most common acute dermatologic adverse reactions of oncologic therapies 3. Raise awareness and to improve management of persistent dermatologic adverse reactions after oncologic therapies.

Course Chair: Azael Freites-Martinez
Speakers: Vincent Sibaud, Davide Fattore, Zoe Apalla, Michela Starace
Tutors: Pietro Sollena, Maria Carmela Annunziata, Ariadna Ortiz Brugues

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