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Testing the new Dermatology section of ICD-11 (ICD-11 Classification of Dermatological Disorders)

Általános 2021.07.05. MDT Admin, Lars French, az ILDS elnöke és az ILDS tanácsadói

Mellékeljük az ILDS elnökének: Lars French és az ILDS tanácsadóinak: Robert Chalmers és Jonathan White levelét, amelyben segítséget kérnek az ICD-11 (a betegségek nemzetközi osztályozásának 11. felülvizsgálata) új bőrgyógyászati szakaszának teszteléséhez.

 Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We should greatly value your opinion of the new ICD-11 Classification of Dermatological Disorders (aka ICD-11 Dermatology Linearisation) which has recently been developed under the joint auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS).

This dermatology-focused version of ICD-11 (11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases) comprises a detailed phenotypical classification of skin diseases. All disease entities are cross-mapped to and fully integrated with ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (ICD-11 MMS), the classification which is due to replace ICD-10 for international reporting from January 2022.

We also hope that you will be willing to inform your Society members of the availability of the new classification, which should enable much more precise documentation of skin disease than has previously been possible with ICD.

If you or nominated colleagues would be able to help, please find the links for both the survey and ICD-11 login below. These can be individually accessed without the need for login but if you find that you need more information, a login can be provided. At this stage of development of the classification, major revisions of the structure would be difficult to achieve but informing us of errors and omissions (including recommendations for missing or misleading descriptions/definitions) and suggestions for helping us to make it more relevant for you and your members would be greatly welcomed.

Do let us know if you are not available to help and please feel free to contact us with any other questions or comments at icd11@ILDS.org.


Linkek és részletes leírás angol nyelven a kapcsolódó levélben olvasható. (bejelentkezéshez kötött a megtekintése)

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