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Publikus dokumentumok

Fibrinogen supplementation ex vivo increases clot firmness comparable to platelet transfusion in thrombocytopeniapdf2016.11.13.
Fibrinogen concentrate improves clot strength in patients withhaematological malignancies requiring platelet transfusionpdf2016.11.13.
Dokumentumok regisztrált felhasználók számára (nem tag, eü.szakember regisztrációs szinttől kezdődően megtekinthetőek)
A French multicenter randomised trial comparing two dose-regimens ofProthrombin Complex Concentrates in urgent anticoagulation reversalpdf2016.09.23.
Fresh frozen plasma transfusion fails to influence thehemostatic balance in critically ill patients with acoagulopathypdf2016.09.23.
Developing a management plan for oralanticoagulant reversalpdf2016.09.23.
Long-term safety and efficacy of a pasteurized nanofiltratedprothrombin complex concentrate (Beriplex P/N): apharmacovigilance studypdf2016.09.23.
Efficacy and Safety of a 4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate in Patients on Vitamin K Antagonists Presenting With Major Bleeding: A Randomized, Plasma-Controlled, Phase IIIb Studypdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of Apixaban Induced Alterations in Hemostasisby Different Coagulation Factor Concentrates:Significance of Studies In Vitro with Circulating HumanBloodpdf2016.09.23.
perioperative use of prothrombin complex concentratespdf2016.09.23.
Prothrombin complex concentrates for reversal of vitamin Kantagonists: Assessing the riskspdf2016.09.23.
Clinical review: Prothrombin complex concentrates -evaluation of safety and thrombogenicitypdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of New Oral Anticoagulantspdf2016.09.23.
Safety of prothrombin complex concentrates for rapid anticoagulationreversal of vitamin K antagonistspdf2016.09.23.
Is fresh frozen plasma clinically effective? A systematic reviewof randomized controlled trialspdf2016.09.23.
Warfarin reversalpdf2016.09.23.
Rapid reversal of oral anticoagulation with warfarinby a prothrombin complex concentrate (Beriplex): efficacyand safety in 42 patientspdf2016.09.23.
Patient blood management in orthopaedic surgery:a four-year follow-up of transfusion requirements and blood loss from2008 to 2011 at the Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Effect of a patient blood management programmeon preoperative anaemia, transfusion rate, and outcomeafter primary hip or knee arthroplasty: a qualityimprovement cyclepdf2016.09.23.
Economic considerations on transfusionmedicine and patient blood managementpdf2016.09.23.
Magyar Aneszteziológiai és Intensiv Terápiás Társaság41. Kongresszusa - Meghívópdf2016.09.23.
Restrictive blood transfusion practices are associated withimproved patient outcomespdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of warfarin associated coagulopathy with 4-factor prothrombincomplex concentrate in traumatic brain injury and intracranial hemorrhage 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of Rivaroxaban and Dabigatran by Prothrombin Complex Concentrate: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study in Healthy Subjects 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Prothrombin ComplexConcentrates as ReversalAgents for New OralAnticoagulantspdf2016.09.23.
Pharmacology andSafety of New OralAnticoagulantspdf2016.09.23.
Thrombotic safety of prothrombin complex concentrate (Beriplex P/N)for dabigatran reversal in a rabbit modelpdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of oral factor Xa inhibitors by prothrombin complexconcentrates: a re-appraisalpdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of Rivaroxaban and Dabigatran by ProthrombinComplex Concentratepdf2016.09.23.
The impact of a three-factor prothrombin complex concentrate on the anticoagulatory effects of the factor Xa inhibitor edoxabanpdf2016.09.23.
Perioperative treatment algorithm for bleeding burn patientsreduces allogeneic blood product requirementspdf2016.09.23.
Four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate versusplasma for rapid vitamin K antagonist reversal inpatients needing urgent surgical or invasive interventions:a phase 3b, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised trialpdf2016.09.23.
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates in Trauma andPerioperative Bleedingpdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of Coagulopathy Using Prothrombin ComplexConcentrates is Associated with Improved Outcome Comparedto Fresh Frozen Plasma in Warfarin-Associated IntracranialHemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of Anticoagulant Effects in Patientswith Intracerebral Hemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
TEG®- or ROTEM®-based individualizedgoal-directed coagulation algorithms: don’twait - act now!pdf2016.09.23.
The STOP the Bleeding Campaignpdf2016.09.23.
Transfusion in trauma: thromboelastometry-guidedcoagulation factor concentrate-based therapyversus standard fresh frozen plasma-based therapy 1.pdf2016.09.23.
The incidence and magnitude of fibrinolytic activation in traumapatientspdf2016.09.23.
Coagulation factor concentrate-based therapy for remotedamage control resuscitation (RDCR): a reasonable alternative?pdf2016.09.23.
The “Coagulation Box” and a New Hemoglobin-Driven Algorithm forBleeding Control in Patients with Severe Multiple Traumaspdf2016.09.23.
Frequency and Characteristics of Coagulopathy in TraumaPatients Treated With a Low- or High-Plasma-ContentMassive Transfusion Protocolpdf2016.09.23.
Estimation of plasma fibrinogen levels based onhemoglobin, base excess and Injury SeverityScore upon emergency room admission 3.pdf2016.09.23.
Early and individualized goal-directed therapy fortrauma-induced coagulopathypdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen levels during trauma hemorrhage, response toreplacement therapy, and association with patient outcomespdf2016.09.23.
The exclusive use of coagulation factor concentrates enables reversal ofcoagulopathy and decreases transfusion rates in patients with major blunt traumapdf2016.09.23.
Transfusion in trauma: thromboelastometry-guidedcoagulation factor concentrate-based therapyversus standard fresh frozen plasma-based therapy 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen concentrate for management of bleedingpdf2016.09.23.
Patient blood management in orthopaedic surgery:a four-year follow-up of transfusion requirements and blood loss from2008 to 2011 at the Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Multifaceted intervention to decrease the rateof severe postpartum haemorrhage: thePITHAGORE6 cluster-randomised controlled trialpdf2016.09.23.
Introduction of an algorithm for ROTEM-guided fibrinogenconcentrate administration in major obstetric haemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
Haemostatic monitoring during postpartum haemorrhageand implications for managementpdf2016.09.23.
Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of FibrinogenConcentrate Supplementation After Complex Cardiac Surgery 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Thromboelastometry Based Early Goal-DirectedCoagulation Management Reduces Blood TransfusionRequirements, Adverse Events, and Costs inAcute Type A Aortic Dissection: A Pilot Studypdf2016.09.23.
Blood transfusion in cardiac surgery does increase the risk of5-year mortality: results from a contemporary series of 1714propensity-matched patientspdf2016.09.23.
Cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesiapdf2016.09.23.
Effects of Fibrinogen Concentrate as First-lineTherapy during Major Aortic Replacement Surgerypdf2016.09.23.
A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial of Efficacy inCoagulopathic Cardiac Surgery Patientspdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen Concentrate Therapy in Complex Cardiac Surgerypdf2016.09.23.
Reversal of warfarin associated coagulopathy with 4-factor prothrombincomplex concentrate in traumatic brain injury and intracranialhemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
Thromboembolic safety and efficacy of prothrombin complex concentrates in theemergency reversal of warfarin coagulopathypdf2016.09.23.
A systematic review of prothrombin complex concentrate dosingstrategies to reverse vitamin K antagonist therapypdf2016.09.23.
Association between fibrinogen level and severityof postpartum haemorrhage: secondary analysisof a prospective trialpdf2016.09.23.
Initial experiences with point-of-care rapid thrombelastographyfor management of life-threatening postinjury coagulopathy_3264 23..33pdf2016.09.23.
Reduction of Fresh Frozen Plasma Requirements by Perioperative Point-of-Care Coagulation Management with Early Calculated Goal-Directed Therapy 3.pdf2016.09.23.
Impact of bleeding-related complicationsand/or blood product transfusions on hospitalcosts in inpatient surgical patientspdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen concentrate for management of bleedingpdf2016.09.23.
Clinical effectiveness of fresh frozen plasma compared with fibrinogen concentrate: a systematic reviewpdf2016.09.23.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Efficacy and tolerability of human fibrinogen concentrate administration to patients with acquired fibrinogen deficiency and active or in high-risk severe bleedingpdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen levels in trauma patients duringthe first seven days after fibrinogenconcentrate therapy: a retrospective studypdf2016.09.23.
Clinical efficacy of fresh frozen plasma compared withcoagulation factor concentrates for treatingcoagulopathy in patients with massive bleedingpdf2016.09.23.
ROTEM-based Bleeding Management inOrthopaedics and Severe Traumapdf2016.09.23.
A fibrinogén mint terápiás célpont vérzésekben:kritikus koncentrációk és fibrinogénpótlásilehetőségekpdf2016.09.23.
Interventional Algorithms for the Control of Coagulopathic Bleeding in Surgical, Trauma, and Postpartum Settings: Recommendations From the Share Network Grouppdf2016.09.23.
Guidance for diagnosis and treatment of disseminatedintravascular coagulation from harmonization of therecommendations from three guidelines 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Studies on Therapeutic Effects and Pathological Featuresof an Antithrombin Preparation in Septic DisseminatedIntravascular Coagulation Patientspdf2016.09.23.
The current place of tranexamic acid in the management ofbleedingpdf2016.09.23.
The current place of aprotinin in the management of bleedingpdf2016.09.23.
Plasma transfusion for patients with severe hemorrhage:what is the evidence?pdf2016.09.23.
Red cell transfusion and the immune systempdf2016.09.23.
Practical management of major blood losspdf2016.09.23.
Point-of-care monitoring of haemostasispdf2016.09.23.
Management of peri-operative anti-thrombotic therapypdf2016.09.23.
The pathophysiology and consequences of red blood cell storagepdf2016.09.23.
The pathogenesis of traumatic coagulopathypdf2016.09.23.
Management of traumatic haemorrhage – the Europeanperspectivepdf2016.09.23.
Laboratory monitoring of haemostasispdf2016.09.23.
Surgery in patients with inherited bleeding disorderspdf2016.09.23.
Haemostatic management of obstetric haemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
Evidence and triggers for the transfusion of blood and bloodproductspdf2016.09.23.
Blood – the most important humour?*pdf2016.09.23.
Haemostatic management of cardiac surgical haemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
The management of abnormal haemostasis in the ICUpdf2016.09.23.
Pre-operative anaemiapdf2016.09.23.
Advances in transfusion science for shock-trauma: Optimisingthe clinical management of acute haemorrhagepdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen replacement therapy: a critical review of the literaturepdf2016.09.23.
Supplementation of fibrinogen in acquired bleedingdisorders: experience, evidence, guidelines, and licencespdf2016.09.23.
Management of bleeding and coagulopathyfollowing major trauma: an updated Europeanguideline 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Reduction of Fresh Frozen Plasma Requirements by Perioperative Point-of-Care Coagulation Management with Early Calculated Goal-Directed Therapy 4.pdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen as a therapeutic target for bleeding: a review ofcritical levels and replacement therapy 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Prevalence, predictors and outcome ofhypofibrinogenaemia in trauma: a multicentreobservational study 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Coagulopathy following major traumahemorrhage: lytic, lethal and a lack of fibrinogenpdf2016.09.23.
The contemporary role of blood products andcomponents used in trauma resuscitationpdf2016.09.23.
Estimation of plasma fibrinogen levels based onhemoglobin, base excess and Injury SeverityScore upon emergency room admission 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Profound Normovolemic Hemodilution: Hemostatic Effects inPatients and in a Porcine Modelpdf2016.09.23.
Hemostatic Factors and Replacement of Major Blood Losswith Plasma-Poor Red Cell Concentratespdf2016.09.23.
Improvements in patient blood management for pediatriccraniosynostosis surgery using a ROTEM®-assistedstrategy – feasibility and costs 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Hemostatic effects of fibrinogen concentrate compared withcryoprecipitate in children after cardiac surgery: A randomizedpilot trialpdf2016.09.23.
Improvements in patient blood management for pediatriccraniosynostosis surgery using a ROTEM®-assistedstrategy – feasibility and costs 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Plasma fibrinogen concentration is correlated withpostoperative blood loss in children undergoingcardiac surgerypdf2016.09.23.
Reduction of Fresh Frozen Plasma Requirements by Perioperative Point-of-Care Coagulation Management with Early Calculated Goal-Directed Therapy 2.pdf2016.09.23.
Safety of fibrinogen concentrate: analysis of more than 27 years ofpharmacovigilance datapdf2016.09.23.
Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Fibrinogen Concentrate Supplementation After Complex Cardiac Surgery 1.pdf2016.09.23.
The Effects of In Vitro Hemodilution and Fibrinogen ConcentrateSubstitution on Thromboelastometry Analysis in Patients Qualified forLiver Transplantation e Preliminary Resultspdf2016.09.23.
Reduction of Fresh Frozen Plasma Requirements by Perioperative Point-of-Care Coagulation Management with Early Calculated Goal-Directed Therapy 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Prevalence, predictors and outcome ofhypofibrinogenaemia in trauma: a multicentreobservational study 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen concentrate and cryoprecipitate butnot fresh frozen plasma correct low fibrinogenconcentrations following in vitrohaemodilutionpdf2016.09.23.
Over 50 Years of Fibrinogen Concentratepdf2016.09.23.
Guidance for diagnosis and treatment of disseminatedintravascular coagulation from harmonization of therecommendations from three guidelines 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Estimation of plasma fibrinogen levels based onhemoglobin, base excess and Injury SeverityScore upon emergency room admission 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Impact of Fibrinogen Levels on Outcomes after AcuteInjury in Patients Requiring a Massive Transfusionpdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen as a therapeutic target for bleeding: a review ofcritical levels and replacement therapy 1.pdf2016.09.23.
Fibrinogen Concentrate and Allogeneic BloodTransfusion in High-risk Surgerypdf2016.09.23.
Standard vs. point-of-care measurement of fibrinogen potential impack on clinical decisionspdf2016.09.23.
Strategies to reduce the use of blood products:a European perspectivepdf2016.09.23.
The role of fibrinogen in trauma-induced coagulopathypdf2016.09.23.
Management of bleeding and coagulopathyfollowing major trauma: an updated Europeanguideline 2.pdf2016.09.23.

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